| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | CID: The Dummy | synopsis (EN) | In a world obsessed with safety, with potential danger around every corner. A world where the once lowly Crash Impact Dummy has risen to a position of great importance amongst us, responsible for crashing, smashing, checking and re-checking everything from lemonade to escalators; CID has been chosen for the mission of a life time.
A chance to crash and smash with real purpose, to battle the most fierce robot villain, a chance to rescue the most beautiful girl in the world… a chance to do something amazing!
With high speed crashes, turbo-charged weapons, kung-fu fighting, mind-boggling puzzles and level systems and more monsters than you can shake a super-charged fire-blazing bazooka at. Join CID to save the world, the day and the girl in this years most daring adventure.
CID The Dummy – Save the world, the day and the girl! | title (ES) | CID: The Dummy | synopsis (ES) | En un mundo obsesionado con la seguridad, donde nos espera un nuevo peligro en cada esquina. Un mundo en donde el joven manequí Crash Impact Dummy, encargado de chocarse, machacarse, y volver a chocarse una y otra vez, ha sido elegido para cumplir una misión que cambiará por completo su vida. | title (KO) | CID: 더미 | title (ZHTW) | 人偶CID(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 《人偶CID》是一款加入瞭解謎要素的平臺動作遊戲,遊戲中包含了大量經典的動作遊戲要素,其中不乏跳躍、收集道具、以及挑戰Boss等。 因為遊戲中的主角是用來代替人類進行撞車測試的“撞車人偶”,所以許多人類不能做到的動作,它都能夠做到。除了與遊戲中多種多樣的敵人作戰之外,玩家還要解決各種難題,躲避陷阱等。 | title (ZHCN) | 人偶CID(美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 《人偶CID》是一款加入了解谜要素的平台动作游戏,游戏中包含了大量经典的动作游戏要素,其中不乏跳跃、收集道具、以及挑战Boss等。 因为游戏中的主角是用来代替人类进行撞车测试的“撞车人偶”,所以许多人类不能做到的动作,它都能够做到。除了与游戏中多种多样的敌人作战之外,玩家还要解决各种难题,躲避陷阱等。 |
| Twelve Games
| publisher
| Oxygen Games
| release date
| 2009-1-6
| genre
| action, platformer
| rating
| E10+
| content
| cartoon violence
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk
| online players
| 0
| case