| RJAE52
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR
| title (EN) | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Reflex Edition | synopsis (EN) | The best selling shooter of all time Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare™ is coming to Wii. Ported to the Wii by Treyarch, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex brings to Nintendo fans the intense and cinematic experience of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, winner of 50 combined Editor’s Choice and Game of the Year awards. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex for Wii arms you with an arsenal of advanced and powerful weaponry and transports you to the most dangerous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy threatening the world.
As both a U.S. Marine and British S.A.S soldier fighting through an unfolding story full of twists and turns, use sophisticated technology, superior firepower, and coordinated land and air strikes on a battlefield where speed, accuracy, and communication are essential to victory. Continue the fight online over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for unrivaled multiplayer gameplay.
* SQUADMATE MODE For the first time, play through the epic campaign of Modern Warfare side-by-side with a friend on a single screen. At any moment, a second Wii Remote can be activated, giving the second player their own aiming crosshair to support their Squadmate with additional firepower. * UNPARALLELED Wii MULTIPLAYER The best multiplayer action in gaming comes to Wii with full support for perks, challenges, kill streaks, and customisable classes. All game modes including Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Domination, Sabotage, Headquarters, Search & Destroy, and Arcade Mode are now available. Jump on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to dominate opponents online with air strikes and attack helicopter support, unlockable abilities, and sophisticated weaponry. * STUNNING VISUALS Featuring immersive graphics and amazing special effects, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex is the most visually impressive Wii game to date. * AUTHENTIC ADVANCED WEAPONRY Featuring an arsenal of more than 70 weapons and gear including assault rifles with laser sights, claymore mines, .50 caliber sniper rifles, and M-249 SAW machine guns, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex has you locked and loaded to accomplish the mission. * OPTIMISED FOR Wii ZAPPER™ Completely customisable control settings and full Wii Zapper support adds a new layer of depth to the visceral action of Modern Warfare. | title (ES) | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex | synopsis (ES) | El deber te llama. ¡Acaba con el enemigo en una explosiva misión de alto secreto! Te verás arrastrado por una historia de película en la que solo tú puedes escribir el final, utilizando un potente arsenal de última tecnología y jugando como un marine de los EE. UU. o como un soldado del SAS británico. | title (JA) | コール オブ デューティ モダン・ウォーフェア リフレックス エディション | synopsis (JA) | アクションシューティングの傑作「コール オブ デューティ」シリーズより、「コール オブ デューティ モダン・ウォーウェア」がついにWiiに登場。戦いの舞台は第2次世界大戦からついに近代戦にシフト。プレイヤーはイギリス軍特殊部隊SAS隊員、アメリカ軍海兵隊隊員を操作し、先の展開が読めず、二転三転するスリリングなストーリーを体験する。
レーザーサイト付きアサルトライフル、クレイモア地雷、大型スナイパーライフルなど総数70以上の最新実在兵器がゲームに登場する。兵器以外にも暗視ゴーグル、特殊迷彩服などプレイヤーをサポートする特殊兵器も多数収録している。 | title (KO) | 콜 오브 듀티: 현대 전쟁 - 리플렉스 에디션 | title (ZHTW) | 決勝時刻 現代戰爭(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 《決勝時刻:現代戰爭》中的敵人是俄國石油大亨察克黑夫,他準備將俄國帶回過去的極權統治,並擴張為世界唯一強權,就像當年的史達林。憑藉商業大亨、黑道和軍隊的支援,察克黑夫得以籌備俄國境內的政變,而下一步就是針對必然會採取對抗行動的美國,東西大戰一觸擊發。
不同的勢力、不同的軍種,玩家都有機會一一操控,和之前的《決勝時刻》系列一樣,與同盟長官、戰場弟兄一同出生入死,阻止這場國際性的毀滅衝突。 | title (ZHCN) | 使命召唤 现代战争(美) |
| Treyarch
| publisher
| Activision
| release date
| 2009-11-10
| genre
| action, shooter, first-person shooter
| rating
| M
| content
| blood and gore, intense violence, strong language
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| zapper
| online players
| 10
| online features
| online connectivity
| version | (1) | size | 4699979776 | crc | 94857937 | md5 | c6b0070d87cff24b81ee2c01c3283c18 | sha1 | 983444e5fc7c494073780828b6552b7e1babb472 |