| SAZE52
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, ES
| title (EN) | The Amazing Spider-Man | synopsis (EN) | Go beyond the movie to experience what it's like to BE Spider-Man like never before. Set shortly after the events of Columbia Pictures' new film, The Amazing Spider-Man throws New York City's brand new hero back into free-roaming, web-slinging action, as he protects the Big Apple from a deluge of unimaginable threats. Experience the new Web Rush mechanic as Spidey twists his way through the NYC skyline with unprecedented speed and grace. The game's original story also explores beautiful indoor environments, as you'll encounter everything from skirmishes with everyday street thugs to pulse-pounding confrontations with Spider-Man's most lethal foes.
| title (KO) | 어메이징 스파이더맨 | title (ZHTW) | 蜘蛛人 驚奇再起(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 本作是蜘蛛侠题材的动作游戏。和之前作品不一样的是,游戏采取了全新的开放世界设定,玩家们除了进行主线剧情外,还能自由探索并完成支线任务,有许多挑战任务和迷你游戏在等待着玩家。 | title (ZHCN) | 蜘蛛人 惊奇再起(美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 本作是蜘蛛侠题材的动作游戏。和之前作品不一样的是,游戏采取了全新的开放世界设定,玩家们除了进行主线剧情外,还能自由探索并完成支线任务,有许多挑战任务和迷你游戏在等待着玩家。 |
| Beenox
| publisher
| Activision
| release date
| 2012-6-26
| genre
| action, adventure
| rating
| T
| content
| violence, mild language, mild suggestive themes
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| classic controller
| online players
| 0
| save blocks
| 7 (copy move)
| version | 1.00 | size | 4699979776 | crc | f94f8240 | md5 | a0727cf1a369150e58a487a51d8e4cef | sha1 | 5e881d99b29cb17169e4ebf73f9ebca4b671e148 |