SFAE41 - Family Feud Decades

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Family Feud Decades
synopsis (EN)In Family Feud Decades, the most popular answers are still on the board. This time, the most popular questions are in the game! Family Feud Decades is a game show greatest hits collection, featuring a smorgasbord of questions from the Feud's four-decade history. Tackle thousands of real Family Feud survey questions from the '70s, '80s, '90s, and 2000s. Play on classic Family Feud sets that feature retro decorations and scoreboards. You'll be able to create a character to match using a selection of outfits and hairstyles inspired by each era. What are you waiting for? Let's play the Feud!
title (ES)Family Feud Decades
synopsis (ES)Disfruta del famoso show de la televisión americana en tu propia casa. En Family Feud, debes adivinar cuáles son las respuestas más populares a cada pregunta, según una encuesta hecha a 100 personas. Participa en los shows de las décadas del '70, '80, '90 y 2000. ¿Qué esperas? ¡Es hora de jugar!
title (KO)패밀리 퓨드 데케이드즈
title (ZHTW)家庭問答2011(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《家庭對抗:智力問答(Family Feud Decades)》,一款互動視頻遊戲,收錄來自上世紀70年代、80年代、90年代和21世紀00年代上千道調查問題。
title (ZHCN)家庭问答2011(美)
developer Ludia
publisher Ubi Soft Entertainment
release date 2010-11-9
genre trivia, party
rating E10+

content alcohol reference, comic mischief, violent references, mild suggestive themes, tobacco reference

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0
version (1)


Family Feud Decades Wii cover (SFAE41)

Family Feud Decades Wii cover (SFAE41)

Family Feud Decades Wii disc (SFAE41)

Family Feud Decades Wii disc (SFAE41)