| 3DS
| EN
title (EN) | BIT.TRIP SAGA |
synopsis (EN) | BIT.TRIP SAGA is a collection of all six highly regarded games in the BIT.TRIP series, combining retro arcade action with smashing rhythm gameplay. All six games document the life of Commander Video as he undertakes a journey of the soul. A cult series remastered in stunning 3D, perfect for the entire family. |
title (FR) | BIT.TRIP SAGA |
synopsis (FR) | BIT.TRIP SAGA est une compilation des six opus de l'excellente série BIT.TRIP, où se mêlent action rétro en arcade et gameplay rythmé. Les six jeux suivent les aventures de CommanderVideo qui entreprend un voyage de l'âme. Cette série culte remaniée en 3D est idéale pour toute la famille. |
title (DE) | BIT.TRIP SAGA |
synopsis (DE) | BIT.TRIP SAGA ist eine Sammlung aller sechs gefeierten Spiele der BIT.TRIP-Serie. Sie verbindet Arcade-Action im Retrolook mit fesselndem rhythmischem Spiel. Alle sechs Spiele folgen CommanderVideo auf seiner psychedelischen Reise durch die menschliche Seele. Die Kultserie wurde jetzt in atemberaubendem 3D neu aufgelegt – perfekt für die ganze Familie! |
title (ES) | BIT.TRIP SAGA |
synopsis (ES) | BIT.TRIP SAGA es la colección de los seis aclamados juegos de la serie BIT.TRIP, con una acción retro-arcade y una mecánica de juego de ritmos alucinantes. Los seis juegos documentan la vida de CommanderVideo y el viaje que emprende en busca de su alma. Una serie de culto remasterizada en un asombroso 3D, perfecta para toda la familia. |
title (IT) | BIT.TRIP SAGA |
synopsis (IT) | BIT.TRIP SAGA comprende tutti e sei i titoli dell'acclamata serie BIT.TRIP. La grafica in stile retro e l'immediatezza dell'azione si fondono con un irresistibile stile di gioco basato sul ritmo. Cimentati con i sei giochi contenuti in BIT.TRIP SAGA e accompagna CommanderVideo nel suo incredibile viaggio spirituale. BIT.TRIP SAGA è una raccolta di giochi cult resa ancora più irresistibile dall'incredibile grafica 3D. Perfetta per tutta la famiglia! |
title (NL) | BIT.TRIP SAGA |
synopsis (NL) | BIT.TRIP SAGA is a collection of all six highly regarded games in the BIT.TRIP series, combining retro arcade action with smashing rhythm gameplay. All six games document the life of Commander Video as he undertakes a journey of the soul. A cult series remastered in stunning 3D, perfect for the entire family. |
title (PT) | BIT.TRIP SAGA |
synopsis (PT) | BIT.TRIP SAGA is a collection of all six highly regarded games in the BIT.TRIP series, combining retro arcade action with smashing rhythm gameplay. All six games document the life of Commander Video as he undertakes a journey of the soul. A cult series remastered in stunning 3D, perfect for the entire family. |
| Gaijin Games
| Marvelous Entertainment / Victor Entertainment / Pack-In-Video / Rising Star Games
release date
| 2013-4-25
| arcade, compilation
| 3
| 1
req. accessories
online players
| 0
save blocks
| 0