AHUP - Cats & Dogs - Pets at Play

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region PAL
type 3DSWare
languages EN
title (EN)Cats & Dogs - Pets at Play
synopsis (EN)Pick from a wide range of both cats and dogs. Take care of them and watch as they grow and develop into fully trained pets. At playtime use one of the various toys to keep them entertained and healthy. Teach them new tricks so they can compete in competitions.

• Augmented Reality: Play with your pet in full 3D

• Various breeds: Golden Retriever, Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Husky, Siamese, Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Tabby

• 16 Mini-games

• Take them for a walk and visit shops.
title (FR)Chiens et Chat 3D Mes meilleures amis
synopsis (FR)Accueille-les dans ta superbe villa, prends soin d‘eux et participe à des concours passionnants. Ils te remercieront en te tendant joyeusement la patte et en léchant affectueusement l‘écran... le tout en 3D !

• Retrouve tous tes animaux préférés.

• 16 mini-jeux !

• Promène-toi dans une charmante petite ville.

• Habille tes petits protégés avec style grâce à une sélection de chapeaux, de colliers et d‘autres accessoires !

• Réalité augmentée : joue avec tes nouveaux amis au creux de ta main
title (DE)Hunde & Katzen 3D Tierisch verspielt
synopsis (DE)Begrüße sie in deiner riesigen Villa, pflege sie und nehme an spannenden Wettbewerben teil. Als Dank strecken sie dir freudestrahlend ihre Pfoten entgegen und schlecken begeistert den Bildschirm ab – in echtem 3D!

• Alle deine Lieblingstiere: Huseky, Dalmatiner, Maine Coon, Tabby und viele mehr.

• 16 Minispiele!

• Gehe Gassi und besuche Shops.

• Verkleide die süßen Racker mit tollen Mützen, Halsbändern und vielem mehr!

• Augmented Reality: Nimm deine Lieblinge auf die Hand und spiele mit ihnen!
title (ES)Perros y Gatos 3D Mis mejores amigos
synopsis (ES)¡Tus nuevas mascotas te están esperando! Da la bienvenida a tus mascotas en tu gran mansión, cuídalas y participa en emocionantes competiciones. En muestra de agredecimiento te darán la patita contentas y lamerán la pantalla entusiamadas.

• Todas tus mascotas preferidas.

• 16 mini-juegos!

• Sal a dar un paseo con tu mascota.

• Viste a tus queridos amigos con gorras chulas, collares y mucho más!

• Realidad aumentada: ¡Coloca a tus animalitos preferidos sobre la mano y juega con ellos!
title (IT)Cani e Gatti 3D I miei migliori amici
synopsis (IT)Pick from a wide range of both cats and dogs. Take care of them and watch as they grow and develop into fully trained pets. At playtime use one of the various toys to keep them entertained and healthy. Teach them new tricks so they can compete in competitions.

• Augmented Reality: Play with your pet in full 3D

• Various breeds: Golden Retriever, Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Husky, Siamese, Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Tabby

• 16 Mini-games

• Take them for a walk and visit shops.
title (NL)Cats and Dogs 3D Pets at play
synopsis (NL)Pick from a wide range of both cats and dogs. Take care of them and watch as they grow and develop into fully trained pets. At playtime use one of the various toys to keep them entertained and healthy. Teach them new tricks so they can compete in competitions.

• Augmented Reality: Play with your pet in full 3D

• Various breeds: Golden Retriever, Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Husky, Siamese, Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Tabby

• 16 Mini-games

• Take them for a walk and visit shops.
title (PT)Cats and Dogs 3D Pets at play
synopsis (PT)Pick from a wide range of both cats and dogs. Take care of them and watch as they grow and develop into fully trained pets. At playtime use one of the various toys to keep them entertained and healthy. Teach them new tricks so they can compete in competitions.

• Augmented Reality: Play with your pet in full 3D

• Various breeds: Golden Retriever, Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Husky, Siamese, Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Tabby

• 16 Mini-games

• Take them for a walk and visit shops.
publisher TREVA
release date 2013-4-11

players 1
req. accessories
online players 0
save blocks 0


Cats & Dogs - Pets at Play 3DSWare cover (AHUP)

Cats & Dogs - Pets at Play 3DSWare cover (AHUP)


Hunde & Katzen 3D Tierisch verspielt 3DSWare cover (AHUP)

Hunde & Katzen 3D Tierisch verspielt 3DSWare cover (AHUP)

Hunde & Katzen 3D Tierisch verspielt 3DSWare cover (AHUP)


Cani e Gatti 3D I miei migliori amici 3DSWare cover (AHUP)

Cani e Gatti 3D I miei migliori amici 3DSWare cover (AHUP)

Cani e Gatti 3D I miei migliori amici 3DSWare cover (AHUP)