BLNP - LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids

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region PAL
type 3DSWare
languages EN
title (EN)LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids
synopsis (EN)The highly popular LEGO® Ninjago™
videogame franchise is back with
high-kicking action and adventure!
Based on the first five new episodes of
the animated TV series, “LEGO
Ninjago Rebooted,” players will battle
and defend the New Ninjago City
where the Ninjas face a technological
threat by the evil Overlord and his
robotic army of Nindroids. Using swift
combo attacks, unique fighting moves,
special weapons and new vehicles, the
Ninjas must fight with all their might
to save Ninjago.
title (FR)LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
synopsis (FR)La célèbre franchise LEGO® Ninjago™
est de retour avec un jeu vidéo
d'action et d'aventure au rythme
effréné ! Dans ce nouvel opus inspiré
des cinq premiers épisodes de la série
animée télévisée "LEGO Ninjago
Rebooted", les joueurs devront
protéger la nouvelle ville Ninjago qui
se trouve menacée par le diabolique
Overlord et son armée de Nindroïdes.
Combos rapides, mouvements de
combat uniques, armes spéciales et
nouveaux véhicules : les Ninjas
devront user de toute leur puissance
et de tous leurs atouts pour sauver
title (IT)LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
synopsis (IT)Il popolarissimo franchise di
videogiochi LEGO® Ninjago™ torna
con incredibili colpi d’azione e
avventura! Basato sui primi cinque
nuovi episodi della serie animata TV,
in “LEGO Ninjago Rebooted”, i
giocatori si batteranno per difendere
New Ninjago City, dove il Ninjas,
affrontano una minaccia tecnologica
rappresentata dal malvagio Overlord e
dalla sua armata robotica di
Nindroids. Usando una combinazione
di attacchi veloci, mosse di
combattimento uniche, armi speciali e
nuovi veicoli, i Ninjas devono
combattere con tutti i loro poteri per
salvare Ninjago.
title (NL)LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
synopsis (NL)De razend populaire LEGO® Ninjago™
videogame franchise is terug met
spectaculaire actie en avontuur! De
videogame is gebaseerd op de eerste
vijf nieuwe afleveringen van de TV
animatieserie: “LEGO Ninjago
Rebooted”. Spelers strijden voor en
verdedigen de nieuwe Ninjago stad
waar de Ninja’s geconfronteerd
worden met een technologische
dreiging van de kwade Overlord en
zijn robotleger van Nindroids. De
Ninja’s moeten met man en macht
strijden om Ninjago te redden en
maken daarbij gebruik van snelle
combinatieaanvallen, unieke
vechtbewegingen, speciale wapens en
nieuwe voertuigen.
title (PT)LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
synopsis (PT)The highly popular LEGO® Ninjago™
videogame franchise is back with
high-kicking action and adventure!
Based on the first five new episodes of
the animated TV series, “LEGO
Ninjago Rebooted,” players will battle
and defend the New Ninjago City
where the Ninjas face a technological
threat by the evil Overlord and his
robotic army of Nindroids. Using swift
combo attacks, unique fighting moves,
special weapons and new vehicles, the
Ninjas must fight with all their might
to save Ninjago.
publisher WB Games
release date 2014-8-1

players 1
req. accessories
online players 0
save blocks 0


LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 3DSWare cover (BLNP)

LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 3DSWare cover (BLNP)

LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 3DSWare cover (BLNP)


LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 3DSWare cover (BLNP)

LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 3DSWare cover (BLNP)


LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 3DSWare cover (BLNP)

LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 3DSWare cover (BLNP)

LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 3DSWare cover (BLNP)