| region
| type
| 3DS
| languages
| EN, FR, DE, ES, IT, NL
| title (EN) | Thomas & Friends: Steaming around Sodor | synopsis (EN) | Get ready to roll with Thomas and Friends as they steam around Sodor, preparing the island for some very important visitors! The Duke and Duchess of Boxford are paying a visit and the Fat Controller wants the yard to look its best. | title (FR) | Thomas et Ses Amis: Toute vapeur sur l'île de Chicalor | title (DE) | Thomas & Seine Freunde: Dampfen um die Insel Sodor | title (ES) | Thomas y sus amigos: A toda máquina en Sodor | synopsis (ES) | Prepárate para ir a toda máquina con Thomas y sus amigos por Sodor, preparando la isla para unas visitas muy importantes. El duque y la duquesa de Boxford vendrán de visita y el Fat Controller quiere que el jardín tenga el mejor aspecto posible. | title (IT) | Il Trenino Thomas: A tutto vapore per Sodor | title (NL) | Thomas de Stoomlocomotief: De Grote Race Op Sodor |
| Torus Games
| publisher
| release date
| 2015-10-2
| genre
| action, puzzle, educational
| rating
| 3
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| save blocks
| 0
| case