| CV9P
| region
| type
| DS
| languages
| EN, FR, DE, ES, IT
| title (EN) | I Love Beauty: Hollywood Makeover | synopsis (EN) | Appropriately applied eyeshadows and emphasized eye contours. Shiny, right red lips and suitably chosen nail polish. Neatly plucked eyebrows. Shortly speaking professional make-up! Now you can learn it too. Thanks to I Love Beauty you will get to know the secrets of make-up and have lots of fun. Find out how fascinating and entertaining it is to color lips or extend eyelashes! |
| City Interactive
| publisher
| City Interactive
| release date
| 2009-5-20
| genre
| simulation, business simulation
| rating
| 3
| players multi cart
| 1
| players single cart
| 1
| req. accessories
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| save blocks
| 0
| case