C93E - Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance

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region NTSC-U
type VC-C64
languages EN
title (EN)Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance
synopsis (EN)The Ninja, known as the Mystic Shadow Warriors, were the elite fighting force of Ninth Century Feudal Japan. The evil Shogun Kunitoki has once been beaten but has gathered all his mystic powers to create a modern day tyranny in Manhattan.Encounter your arch-enemy Kunitoki within the urban jungle and conquer him with your Ninja style skills.

Transported to Manhattan of 1988 by an unknown force, the Ninja leader Armakuni needs to find a way to defend himself against the unknown dangers that lie before him.
title (ES)Last Ninja 2
synopsis (ES)Los Ninjas, conocidos como los guerreros místicos de las sombras, fueron la fuerza de combate de élite del siglo IX en Japón Feudal. El cruel Kunitoki Shogun ya ha sido derrotado una vez, pero ha reunido todos sus poderes místicos para crear una tiranía moderna en Manhattan. Encuentra a tu archienemigo Kunoti en la jungla urbana y véncelo con tus habilidades ninja. Transportado a Manhattan de 1988 por una fuerza desconocida, el líder Ninja Armakuni necesita encontrar una manera de defenderse de los peligros desconocidos que le esperan.
title (KO)마지막 닌자 2
developer System 3
publisher Commodore Gaming
release date 2009-9-21
genre action, adventure
rating E10+

content mild violence

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, classic controller, gamecube pad
online players 0


Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance VC-C64 cover (C93E)

Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance VC-C64 cover (C93E)