DMJA - Mahjongg Wii

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type Homebrew
title (EN)Mahjongg Wii
synopsis (EN)The goal is to clear the board by removing all the tiles. Tiles must remove in pairs. A pair consists of two tiles which both are a) "free" and b) identical (or of the same type).

A tile is "free" when:
No other tile is lying above or is partially covering it
No other tile is lying to the left or to the right of it (it can "slide" in one or both these directions)
Two tiles are identical if they look exactly the same. The exception to this are the Flowers and Seasons tiles. They are non-identical numbered matching tiles and belong to the same type. All the Flowers tiles match one another and all the Season tiles match one another.
There are four of each tile in the game except for the Flowers and Seasons tiles which appear only once.
It's not as easy as it sounds; you can end up with having matched the "wrong" pairs and you may find yourself stuck, with unmatchable tiles blocking other key tiles so you can't clear the layout. You must be careful before removing a pair, you should look for where the remaining pair is in the layout and plan ahead. If all four of an identical tile are free, remove them to 'unclutter' the field. It's not only a game of pure luck, you have to play strategically.
title (ES)Mahjongg Wii
synopsis (ES)El mahjong es un juego de origen chino que en las últimas décadas del siglo XIX logró una gran popularidad en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos. El solitario consiste en ir haciendo parejas de las mismas fichas, o fichas relacionadas, con el fin de no dejar ninguna en la mesa. Recomiendo este homebrew ya que además de unos buenos gráficos es un juego realmente entretenido.
title (KO)마작 Wii
title (ZHTW)自制 麻將 Wii(歐)
title (ZHCN)自制 麻将 Wii(欧)
developer JustWoody
publisher JustWoody / Wiibrew
release date 2009-2-23
genre puzzle

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Mahjongg Wii Homebrew cover (DMJA)

Mahjongg Wii Homebrew cover (DMJA)