| type
| Homebrew
| languages
| title (EN) | Sega Master System Plus | synopsis (EN) | This is an Sega Master System/Game Gear Emulator. This is a port of SMS Plus created by Charles Mac Donald, now ported to the Wii with optimisations.
* Best PAL mode: any (autodetected) * Display mode : 480p, 480i, 576i, 288p and 240p * Loaders useable: Twilight Hack, Front SD ELF Loader, WiiHL, Homebrew Channel * Supports Zip compressed rom images * Game Genie cheat code * Support the Sega Light Phaser * Support 3D Glass * Support Sega Paddle * Can load ROM from DVD | title (ES) | Sega Master System Plus | synopsis (ES) | Disfruta de los mejores juegos para Sega Master System gracias a este fantástico emulador. Basado en el SMS Plus de Charles Mac Donald, y adaptado a Wii por Eke-eke, Sega Master System Plus te ofrece todas las funcionalidades que esperas, más algunas sorpresas como soporte para gafas 3D, pistolas ópticas, juegos comprimidos, ¡y mucho más! | title (KO) | 세가 마스터 시스템 플러스 | title (ZHTW) | 世嘉SMS模擬器(歐) | title (ZHCN) | 世嘉SMS模拟器(欧) |
| Eke-eke
| publisher
| release date
| 2008-4-19
| genre
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk
| online players
| 0