| E5WE
| region
| type
| VC-Arcade
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | Wonder Boy in Monster Land | synopsis (EN) | The once-beautiful kingdom of Wonder Land has been thrown into chaos by a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon called MEKA dragon. The dragon and his monstrous henchmen conquer the peaceful world, turning it into Monster Land. Unable to defend themselves from the onslaught, the people cry out for a hero to save them. Wonder Boy sets out on and incredible journey across different environments and dungeons. He collects powerful weapons and spells to rid the land of the evil monsters and defeat the dragon! | title (ES) | Wonder Boy in Monster Land | synopsis (ES) | El reino otrora hermoso de Wonder Land ha sido lanzado al caos por un feroz dragón que escupe fuego llamado MEKA. El dragón y sus monstruosos secuases conquistaron el mundo en paz, convirtiéndolo en Monster Land. Incapaz de defenderse de los ataques, el pueblo clama por un héroe para salvarlos. Wonder Boy se embarca en un increíble viaje a través de diferentes entornos y mazmorras. ¡Recoge las armas y hechizos poderosos para librar a la tierra de los malvados monstruos y derrotar al dragón! | title (KO) | 몬스터 랜드 원더 보이 |
| publisher
| release date
| 2012-5-10
| genre
| role-playing, action RPG
| rating
| E
| content
| alcohol reference, mild cartoon violence
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk, classic controller, gamecube pad
| online players
| 0