E6PJ - Ninja Ryukenden

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region NTSC-J
type VC-Arcade
languages JA
title (EN)Ninja Ryukenden
synopsis (EN)Take control of a ninja, master of the Five Ninja Fighting Arts of assassination passed down since the chaotic times of feudal Japan, and enter "Jungle," a terrifying American city, to crush waves of foes that are part of an assassination syndicate. Use three buttons to execute exciting moves like the Flying Neck Throw, the Hang Kick, and the Triple Blow Combination. Each stage is based around popular Western misconceptions about ninja and Japan, making the game world a fantastic mix of ninja and American pop culture. Game settings such as the starting number of player characters and the difficulty level can also be adjusted.
title (JA)忍者龍剣伝 (AC版)
synopsis (JA)戦国の乱世より受け継がれし暗殺術「忍者五体技」の使い手である忍者を操り、戦慄のアメリカ都市「ジャングル」を舞台に、次々と現れる暗殺組織の敵を撃破していくアクションゲームです。「首投げ」「反動蹴り」「3段連続拳」など、3つのボタンの組み合わせで豪快なアクションが繰り出せます。各ステージは「西洋の間違った忍者・日本文化観」をベースに、忍者とアメリカが混ざったシュールな世界観でえがかれています。また、自キャラの数を増減したり難易度を変更したりなど、ゲーム設定の変更も可能です。詳細は、
title (KO)닌자 용검전 아케이드
developer Tecmo
publisher Tecmo
release date 2014
genre action, platformer

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0