| R23E52
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR
| title (EN) | Barbie and the Three Musketeers | synopsis (EN) | Join Barbie™ on the adventure of a lifetime! Play as Corinne™, a girl from the French countryside who dreams of becoming a musketeer. Joined by three other musketeer hopefuls, together the girls will use their unique abilities to tackle obstacles and puzzles across locations from the movie. Ultimately, through the power of friendship and teamwork the girls uncover a plot against the prince and save the day, achieving their dreams and becoming true musketeers! PLAY AS Barbie™ and the Three Musketeers: Corinne™, Viveca™, Renee™, and Aramina™ each possess different and unique abilities that help you complete missions. Specialties include grapples, ribbon whips, Chinese fans, leaping and dancing.
EXPLORE THE ENVIRONMENT – FROM THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE TO PARIS: Solve challenging puzzles and discover treasure on your journey to save the Prince! PLAY AS MIETTE™ THE CAT: The musketeers’ cat companion helps you on your adventures, gathering treasures and solving puzzles. | title (ES) | Barbie y las Tres Mosqueteras | synopsis (ES) | ¡Únete a Barbie en la aventura de su vida! Juega como Corinne, una campesina francesa que sueña con ser mosquetera. Junto a tres compañeras más, utilizarán todas sus habilidades para evadir obstáculos y acertijos a través de los distintos escenarios de la película. | title (KO) | 바비와 삼총사 | title (ZHTW) | 芭比公主三劍客(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 本作是款改編自同名動畫電影的動作冒險遊戲。在法國鄉村長大的芭比娃娃 Corinne從少便夢想可以前往巴黎, 成為出色的劍客。玩家扮演她來到了巴黎,並結識了志同道合的三名女性劍客Viveca、Renee和Aramina。在實現成為真正的劍客這一夢想的過程中,4名女孩通過友好的合作和團隊精神發現了王子的陰謀,最終拯救了國家,也借此實現了自己的夢想。遊戲借助經典的小說名著將“人人為我,我為人人”的劍客精神得以重現,芭比娃娃和她的朋友則講述了一個女孩成功的故事。遊戲中每名角色都有自己不同的能力,比如跳躍、抓杆、揮鞭、跳舞等,玩家要切換不同的角色利用這些能力完成各種任務和難題。
| title (ZHCN) | 芭比与三个火枪手(美) |
| Wayforward
| publisher
| Activision
| release date
| 2009-11-3
| genre
| action, adventure, platformer
| rating
| E
| content
| mild cartoon violence
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk
| online players
| 0
| case