| R2TE41
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, DE, ES, IT
| title (EN) | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up | synopsis (EN) | This four-player fighting game features the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as their enemies and friends, in melee battles similar to the Super Smash Bros. franchise. Choose from a wide variety of classic TMNT heroes and villains, each with unique acrobatic moves, weapons and combat skills that will come in handy during the free-for-all brawls. Not only can you immerse yourself in the world of TMNT through the story mode, you can also challenge your friends at home or online in a variety of multiplayer modes including tournament, battle royal, and more! General Features * Packed with over-the-top ninja action and smack-talking gameplay, Smash-Up offers hours of fun for novice players as well as ninja masters. Finding unique combos and unlocking and special attacks add more elements to each character and battle * Be prepared for interactive levels with moving arenas, gators jumping from the water, and many more surprises. Collect "shells" during battles and mini-games to unlock memorable moments and exclusive content of TMNT's 25-year history * The single-player story mode offers a completely original story written by Peter Laird (the co-creator of TMNT) * Packed with over-the-top ninja action and smack-talking gameplay, Smash-Up offers hours of fun for novice players as well as ninja masters. Finding unique combos and unlocking and special attacks add more elements to each character and battle. | title (ES) | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up | synopsis (ES) | ¡Las Tortugas Ninja vuelven para hacer retumbar la Wii! Smash-Up es un juego lleno de pelea y acción que te invita a escoger tu personaje preferido del universo TNMA y a competir en una gran variedad de modos de juego, luchando desde las profundidades de la selva hasta los inmensos rascacielos de Manhattan. | title (KO) | 돌연변이 닌자 거북: 대충돌 | title (ZHTW) | 忍者龜 毀滅[WiFi](美) | title (ZHCN) | 忍者神龟 毁灭[WiFi](美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 雖然不知道這款遊戲是否是為了紀念忍者龜出道25週年,但是這款遊戲的確是以忍者龜為主角的遊戲。最新公開的 trailer中,描繪了拉斐爾和萊昂納多兩龜之間一對一的激烈打鬥場面,就像精彩的功夫電影一樣展開著激烈的攻防。 |
| Game Arts
| publisher
| Ubi Soft Entertainment
| release date
| 2009-9-22
| genre
| action, fighting
| rating
| E10+
| content
| cartoon violence, mild suggestive themes
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| classic controller, gamecube pad
| online players
| 4
| online features
| online connectivity
| version | (1) | size | 4699979776 | crc | 2f59d424 | md5 | 29237aee3325787cab85595f82f13ab6 | sha1 | f059293fb15c319b378d860d95f5d1fd5c6cd4c9 |