| R2WJA4
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| JA
| title (EN) | Winning Eleven PLAY MAKER 2009 | synopsis (EN) | PES 2009 for Wii boasts three control methods, with the intuitive 'point and drag' interface of last year's game enhanced to make defending and shooting more instinctive. Players use the Nunchuck or the Wii Remote to control the player on the ball, while they pick the player to pass to, or send them on runs into space. The system has been further refined, so that close control is improved, but two new control ideas have also been implemented.
Users can now play PES 2009 using either the Classic Controller or the Wii Remote held sideways. Selecting these offers a take on the classic PES controls from other versions, with the many through balls, chips and shots allocated individual buttons on both controllers. Mixtures of these systems can also be allowed during co-op multi-player games, with users opting to use their favored system from the user-friendly menu system.
Other key advances include the addition of the UEFA Champions League, the greatest club competition in European football, as a stand-alone option with all-new introductory elements, and a greatly expanded Champions Road mode. Champions Road is an incentive-based game, wherein players are rewarded for success in competitions.
Players are given individual challenges, each of which is allocated a cash bonus. These range from scoring a hat-trick, to string multiple passes together, etc, and the monies raised can be invested in improving the facilities at the user's chosen club. Everything from oxygen capsules through to private jets can be bought, all of which will help entice better players to the club, while the players involved improve their experience stats during matches.
PES 2009 for Wii also marks the introduction of the Master League, which has proven so popular in PES for other home gaming formats. Master League places the player in charge of a lowly team and charges them with building their reputation and success through astute signings, good on-field performances and training methods. Every aspect of overseeing a club falls under the user's jurisdiction, with success on field used to attract new talent and build a team of stars capable of succeeding in PES 2009's many cup and league competitions.
PES 2009 also has a greatly improved online mode, with up to eight players competing online at once, using two consoles and with four players per Wii console.
Anything up to four against four is allowed online, while offline allows for four players simultaneously. Players can also now use their Mii avatar within PES 2009's Match Mode, and within Champions Road. Miis are easily assigned in both sections, and can also be used within co-op matches.
| title (ES) | Winning Eleven PLAY MAKER 2009 | synopsis (ES) | El fútbol de pizarra y wiimote que los japoneses nos propusieron hace un año mejora sus tácticas y posibilidades para introducirnos en la Champions League de la diversión. ¿Preparado para acabar la temporada liguera con buen pie? | title (JA) | ウイニングイレブン プレーメーカー 2009 | synopsis (JA) | Wiiリモコン+ヌンチャクの直感操作を、より遊びやすく改良。シュートもディフェンスも思い通りに操作が可能となりました。そして、従来の「ウイイレ」ファンのためにクラシックコントローラやWiiリモコンの横持ちにも対応しました。さらに、これらの操作方法を使用し、異なるプレースタイルの人同士による協力プレーも実現。誰でも自分のスタイルで遊ぶことができる新しいサッカーゲームに、ぜひご期待ください。
欧州クラブチームの頂点を決める大会を再現した「UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE」モードを搭載。ニンテンドーWi-Fiコネクションによるネットワーク対戦も「UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE」の演出でプレーすることが可能です。全国のライバルとの戦いが、欧州最高峰の舞台に早変わりします。
シリーズ人気No.1のモードである「マスターリーグ」が『プレーメーカー』に初登場。どんなプレースタイルでも、オリジナルチームの運営・育成をやり込むことができます。さらに『プレーメーカー2009』では、選手やエンブレムのエディット要素が充実。自分の手で作り上げた思い入れたっぷりのクラブで、最強クラブを目指そう! | title (KO) | 위닝 일레븐 플레이 메이커 2009 | title (ZHTW) | 實況足球 中場指揮官 2009(日) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 《實況足球 中場指揮官 2009》是一款戰略性高的足球運動遊戲。新作改良了操作方式,玩家可自由自在的操作球員做出各種動作。主要的遊戲模式為挑戰世界各國足球大會,培養球員能力增加球隊優勢,並成為歐洲盃的頂尖足球隊!
國家隊方面新增了荷蘭、英格蘭、意大利、北愛爾蘭等等。並且增加和翻修不少球場,溫布利大球場將第一次出現,法蘭西大球場和都靈奧林匹克球場則煥然一新。 | title (ZHCN) | 实况足球2009[WiFi](日) |
| Konami
| publisher
| Konami
| release date
| 2009-5-14
| genre
| sports, soccer
| rating
| A
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| classic controller
| online players
| 2
| online features
| online connectivity, online download
| case