R39EFP - Shimano Xtreme Fishing

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Shimano Xtreme Fishing
synopsis (EN)Go after more than fifty varieties of fish and fend off hungry predators like sharks, alligators and piranhas. Swim and boat through exotic environments ranging from the cold, dark waters of a North American lake to a roaring Amazon waterfall. Experience eerie submerged Mayan ruins, the hidden lagoons of a southern island and the shark-infested waters of a tropical sea.

Multiplayer mode pits you against another kind of predator-humans. Two to four players face each other in a series of fast and deadly fish hunting contests.

• Non-stop fishing action featuring Rod & Reel, Spear Gun & SCUBA and Bow Fishing.
• Catch over 50 varieties of fish! Real, exotic… lethal!
• 12 tournaments and 65+ stages
• 65+ awards and medals to win and post to the leader board
• Multiplayer for 2 to 4 players
title (ES)Shimano Xtreme Fishing
synopsis (ES)¡Descubre el lado salvaje de la pesca deportiva! Atrapa a tu presa utilizando la clásica caña de pescar, o arremángate la camisa e inténtalo con la lanza y el arpón. Utiliza el mejor equipamiento del mercado ¡y embárcate en una expedición de pesca submarina!
title (KO)시마노 극한 낚시
title (ZHTW)禧碼諾極限釣魚(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)本作是唯一一套可以讓你體驗到運動釣魚畫面的電視遊戲。遊戲中玩家除了可以使用傳統的漁具外還可以使用霍伊特弓和魚叉等工具。釣魚時以第一人稱視角進行,潛到水中時會切換為第三人稱視角。玩家可以在甲板上或者水下擷取獵物,去完成一個個傳奇。

Shimano 禧瑪諾是日本一個釣魚用具以及登山用品、山地車等品牌。
title (ZHCN)禧玛诺极限钓鱼(美)
developer eV Interactive
publisher Mastiff
release date 2009-10-22
genre sports, simulation, fishing
rating T

content blood, violence

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Shimano Xtreme Fishing Wii cover (R39EFP)

Shimano Xtreme Fishing Wii cover (R39EFP)

Shimano Xtreme Fishing Wii cover (R39EFP)

Shimano Xtreme Fishing Wii cover (R39EFP)

Shimano Xtreme Fishing Wii disc (R39EFP)

Shimano Xtreme Fishing Wii disc (R39EFP)