| R43E69
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR
| title (EN) | EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer | synopsis (EN) | Revolutionize your workout regimen with EA SPORTS Active, the ultimate interactive fitness program that's designed for you. Get fit with a holistic approach to fitness that combines nutrition and lifestyle factors, with a variety of activities, all from the convenience of your living room. From customized routines that target upper body, lower body, and cardio to a guided 30-day challenge that tests muscle endurance, coordination and agility, stay in shape with fitness made fun and easy. | title (ES) | EA Sports Active | synopsis (ES) | Diseñado junto a expertos en salud y forma física, EA Sports Active te anima a ponerte en forma con divertidos juegos y numerosas actividades que aprovechan al máximo el sensor de movimientos del mando de Wii y el Nunchuk para garantizarte una sesión de ejercicio variada y productiva. | title (KO) | EA 스포츠 엑티브: 개인 트레이너 | title (ZHTW) | EA運動活力(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 本作是一款收錄了跑步、健走、棒球、網球、拳擊及舞蹈等各種運動項目的遊戲,從簡易到高階運動都包含在內,還有可以讓玩家30天內改善生活型態的“30日挑戰”課程,藉著搖桿及雙節棍的輔助,手腳並用,再搭配具有抗力的彈力繩及平衡板,讓玩家能更確實地體驗正確的動作。
本作還收錄了雙人模式,可以和朋友同時接受體力訓練,教練還會貼心的分別給予玩家1及玩家2不同的指導,最適合覺得一個人運動提不起勁或想與好朋友共同達成健身減重目標的玩家。 | title (ZHCN) | EA运动活力(美) |
| EA Canada
| publisher
| EA Sports
| release date
| 2009-5-19
| genre
| health, fitness
| rating
| E
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| balance board
| online players
| 0
| case