| R4AE69
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, ES
| title (EN) | SimAnimals | synopsis (EN) | SimAnimals, take the wild world of animals into your hands. Embrace all the adventure, fun, and mischief that await you in the vast forest. Feed a bear what he craves. Pick up a rabbit or hedgehog, and bring him to his friends. Discover what other creatures lurk in the wild. You have the power to reach out and touch, pick up and move everything in the forest from squirrels and foxes to trees and flowers. Make your wild animals happy and maintain a forest that lets them flourish as you venture further into the forest than you've ever been before. Engage wild animals, experience life in the forest, and let your creativity run wild in SimAnimals. | title (ES) | SimAnimals | synopsis (ES) | Vive una aventura cargada de diversión que te permitirá explotar las relaciones entre el hombre, la naturaleza y el reino animal, dejando que tú tengas el control total sobre este excitante mundo. ¡Estás a un paso de conocer la naturaleza, con tus propios dedos! | title (KO) | 심애니멀즈 | title (ZHTW) | 模擬動物(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 玩家在叢林的冒險過程中,將聽到許多交織成遊戲配樂的音樂片段。每個地方,一開始都有獨特的樂曲,包括古老城堡遺蹟的凱爾特音樂,以及老舊廢物堆積場的古怪旋律。此外,遊戲會以獨奏管絃樂器的簡短旋律強調動物生活中的重大事件,還會以大規模管絃樂章闡釋玩家在世界中所做的抉擇。
原創的音樂,將以人類的情緒觀點呈現動物生活的複雜性。玩家互動性質且具有創意的有趣和惡意選擇,會決定世界的命運,而音樂則會為叢林帶來歡喜或痛苦的聲音。當個別的動物因玩家疏忽而陷入不幸,玩家可透過音樂有所體會,而在歡喜快樂的時刻,例如新生命的降臨,玩家也可透過音樂分享這份溫暖。 | title (ZHCN) | 模拟动物(美) |
| Electronic Arts
| publisher
| Electronic Arts Inc
| release date
| 2009-1-21
| genre
| simulation
| rating
| E
| content
| comic mischief
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| case