R5AE8P - The Golden Compass

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)The Golden Compass
synopsis (EN)The Golden Compass is an epic action adventure game that immerses you in the magical parallel world of the $150 million budgeted film from New Line Cinema, the studio behind The Lord of the Rings trilogy. With its AAA cast, including Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig (the new James Bond), the story follows Lyra’s heroic journey from the safety of her home to the dangerous wonders of the North. Armed only with a truth-telling compass, and accompanied by a giant armored polar bear named Iorek, the game takes you on a journey of adventure, exploration, collaboration and discovery.
title (ES)The Golden Compass
synopsis (ES)Embárcate en una auténtica epopeya de la mano de Lyra, su daimonion Pan y el oso acorazado Lorek, cuyo objetivo es rescatar a Roger y Lord Asriel. Vive las principales escenas de la película y prepárate para conocer once lugares distintos, dos de los cuales son exclusivos del juego.
title (KO)황금 나침반
title (ZHTW)黃金羅盤(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《金色羅盤》其實是以在歐美地區廣獲好評的奇幻文學作品「黑暗元素首部曲:黃金羅盤」為題材改編,這部由Philip Pullman創作,在歐美銷量直逼J.K.羅琳的「哈利波特」系列,但口碑更勝「哈利波特」的文學作品,在歐美地區可說是得獎無數,甚至在今年底還將由美國新線電影公司拍攝三部曲電影,分別是:黃金羅盤、奧秘匕首、琥珀望遠鏡,而第一部曲電影「黃金羅盤」,當然這款遊戲是以第一部作品為題材改編的動作冒險遊戲。
title (ZHCN)黄金罗盘(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)《金色罗盘》其实是以在欧美地区广获好评的奇幻文学作品“黑暗元素首部曲:黄金罗盘”为题材改编,这部由Philip Pullman创作,在欧美销量直逼J.K.罗琳的“哈利波特”系列,但口碑更胜“哈利波特”的文学作品,在欧美地区可说是得奖无数,甚至在今年底还将由美国新线电影公司拍摄三部曲电影,分别是:黄金罗盘、奥秘匕首、琥珀望远镜,而第一部曲电影“黄金罗盘”,当然这款游戏是以第一部作品为题材改编的动作冒险游戏。
developer Shiny Entertainment
publisher Sega of America
release date 2007-12-4
genre action, adventure
rating E10+

content violence, mild language

players 1
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


The Golden Compass Wii cover (R5AE8P)

The Golden Compass Wii cover (R5AE8P)

The Golden Compass Wii disc (R5AE8P)

The Golden Compass Wii disc (R5AE8P)