| R5YE78
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | All Star Cheer Squad 2 | synopsis (EN) | In All Star Cheer Squad 2, 14 exotic locations from around the world will serve as the backdrop for global cheer competitions.
No longer a newbie, players will start out as the captain of the Tiger Squad, leading the team to victory by utilizing an all-new diverse move set that includes realworld aerial stunts, tumbling, formation changes and advanced moves on the Wii Balance Board accessory.
Moves can be executed by using two Wii Remotes, allowing for greater mobility. Players will select their squad members and then choose from more customization options including new makeup, hairstyle and uniforms.
Because every routine need good beat first, All Star Cheer Squad 2 will feature even more original cheer music.
Combined with an upgraded routine editor featuring a music mixer, a choreography editor and the ability to challenge friends via WiiConnect24, All Star Cheer Squad 2 will allow players to live the ultimate cheer experience. | title (ES) | All Star Cheer Squad 2 | synopsis (ES) | All Star Cheer Squad 2, la secuela de All Star Cheer Squad, continúa el fascinante viaje a través de competiciones internacionales de cheerleaders, disfruta de grandes proezas y del trabajo en equipo, un extenso modo multijugador y una banda sonora muy original. | title (KO) | 올 스타 치어 스쿼드 2 | title (ZHTW) | 全明星啦啦隊2(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 本作是款根據背景音樂節奏做出體感QTE操作的運動遊戲。遊戲中有14名來自全球各地的啦啦舞愛好者,大家將在一起展開競爭。玩家將不再是個新手,而是一出來就擔當老虎隊的隊長,你要率領隊伍完成諸如空中技巧、翻滾、隊形變化等動作才有可能獲得勝利。遊戲不僅支援平衡板操作,而且還支援同時使用兩隻Wiimote進行控制。玩家可以設計隊員的形象,包括妝容、髮型和服裝等。遊戲提供了大量的原創啦啦隊音樂,玩家可對其重新混音並編排舞蹈,然後通過WiiConnect24與朋友分享挑戰。遊戲最多支援4人同樂 ,目的是讓你體驗終極的啦啦隊舞蹈經驗。 | title (ZHCN) | 全明星啦啦队2(美) |
| Gorilla Systems Corporation
| publisher
| release date
| 2009-10-27
| genre
| sports, simulation
| rating
| E
| content
| mild lyrics
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk, balance board
| online players
| 0
| case