R64E01 - Wii Music

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ID R64E01
region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Wii Music
synopsis (EN)When it comes to music and rhythm games, Wii Music stands in a class of its own. Unlike other music games, which penalize players if they don't play perfectly, Wii Music is a musical playground where there are no mistakes. Here anyone can pick up and master the huge array of instruments available, through simple motions like strumming and drumming. Musicians in your band jam by simply playing their instruments to the beat of a song or by improvising to their heart's content. Play faster. Play slower. Skip a beat, or throw in 10 more. No matter what you do, Wii Music automatically transforms your improv stylings into great music.
title (ES)Wii Music
synopsis (ES)Aunque no hayas tocado una nota en tu vida, Wii Music puede ayudarte a sacar al músico que llevas dentro. ¡Junto hasta otros tres amigos, podrás subir al escenario, para compartir el brillo de las candilejas y crear grandes melodías!
title (KO)Wii 뮤직
title (ZHTW)Wii音樂(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《Wii 音樂》是由知名遊戲創作者宮本茂所構思的音樂演奏遊戲,透過 Wii 遙控器與雙節棍控制器的動態感測與按鈕等操作方式來“模擬”真實樂器的演奏動作,只要配合畫面上的節拍即可輕鬆演奏出動聽的樂曲。

遊戲收錄超過 60 種樂器以及 50 首知名古典 / 流行樂曲,玩家可以自由選擇不同的樂器來演奏這些樂曲,最多可 4 人同時演奏,還可以透過保留上次演奏結果加重複演奏的方式組合出最多 6 個聲部的合奏,即使單人也可以獨立完成悠揚動聽的合奏。


  遊戲收錄深入淺出的教學模式,並提供結合 Wii 平衡板操作的擊鼓練習,不只是用雙手擊鼓敲鈸,還可以用雙腳踩踏 Wii 平衡板擊鼓,充分模擬真實鼓組的演奏方式。

  遊戲中並收錄 3 種音樂演奏小遊戲,包括使用 Wii 遙控器當指揮棒來指揮交響樂團的「交響樂團指揮」、依照樂譜指示使用 Wii 遙控器與雙節棍控制器進行 1~4 人手搖鈴演奏的節奏遊戲「手搖鈴合奏」,以及考驗玩家音感的問答遊戲「音感馬殺雞」等。
title (ZHCN)Wii音乐(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)最多可以有四人同时共同演奏音乐,利用独特的Wii体感设计,可以仿真木琴、吉他、铃、鼓、喇叭等乐器以接近真实的方式控制。当然,节奏的快慢则是由指挥来控制的。

developer Nintendo
publisher Nintendo
release date 2008-10-20
genre music, health, rhythm, coaching
rating E

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, mii
accessories nunchuk, balance board
online players 1
online features online players, online connectivity, score sharing, Wii Message Board
save blocks 53 (copy move)
version (1)


Wii Music Wii cover (R64E01)

Wii Music Wii cover (R64E01)

Wii Music Wii disc (R64E01)

Wii Music Wii disc (R64E01)