| R64P01
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, DE, ES, IT
| title (EN) | Wii Music | synopsis (EN) | Beyond the Jam
Wii Music includes many other modes besides the main band jams, including several musical games and an enhanced video playback mode for recorded jams.
• Play it again: Use the playback mode to see your jam recordings brought to life with dramatic camera angles.
• Pick up the baton: Command an orchestra in the conducting game where you’ll wave the Wii Remote controller like a conductor’s baton to lead a Mii orchestra through orchestrated music. Make them play quickly, slowly, strongly or gently.
• Ring a bell? Play a handbells game where you’ll swing your Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers to play your two handbells as part of a larger ensemble. Everyone on the team has a job to do: Play one of your notes only when the tune demands it.
• An ear for music: Take a tone quiz that tests your musical ear by giving you challenges, like putting note-playing Miis in order from lowest to highest pitch.
• Bang the drum: Play a virtual drum set in the drumming mode, the one mode in Wii Music that also uses the Wii Balance Board accessory (sold with Wii Fit™). You’ll use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers as drumsticks, and place both feet on the Wii Balance Board—which work as virtual pedals for the bass drum and hi-hat cymbal.
Create a musical masterpiece with up to four players. Anyone can play the huge selection of instruments in Wii Music with simple motions—like strumming and drumming.
• It’s easy to play improv jams. Musicians in your band jam by simply playing their instruments to the beat of a song or by improvising to their heart’s content. Play faster. Play slower. Skip a beat, or throw in 10 more. No matter what you do, Wii Music automatically transforms your improv stylings into great music. There are no mistakes—just playing for the pure joy of playing.
• Wii controls immerse you in the music. You can play most of the 60-plus instruments in Wii Music using simple motions with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers. Strum to play guitar, banjo and sitar. Drum to play jazz drums, congas and marching drums. Hammer away to play piano, vibraphone and marimba. Unlike most music games, Wii Music doesn’t make you use complex buttons. You only need to imitate playing the instrument.
• Wii Music offers virtually endless ways to make music. You choose the song and instruments and decide whether to blaze through a rock take on classical songs, put a jazzy spin on folk tunes or transform Nintendo classics like the Super Mario Bros.® theme into Latin-flavored numbers. The song list is only a takeoff point—it’s how you improvise with the songs that matters.
• Send your band-jam recordings to Wii Friends who have Wii Music. They’ll see your Mii™ band members, your players’ improv styles and your instrument selections. They can watch your recordings, or play over parts of your song, then send their modified recording back to you. Improv jams can be sent back and forth over WiiConnect24 and changed again and again. | title (FR) | Wii Music | synopsis (FR) | Wii Music sur Wii amène une autre dimension au phénomène bien connu du Air Guitar. Ici, c'est par l'intermédiaire de votre Wiimote que vous allez faire semblant de jouer plus d'une soixantaine d'instruments, de la batterie au piano, du banjo à la cithare, du vibraphone au marimba. Le jeu se charge de retranscrire vos gesticulations en musique, pour des jam sessions d'anthologie. | title (DE) | Wii Music | synopsis (DE) | Machen Sie Musik auf der Wii! Für „Wii Music“ muss man weder ein begnadeter Musiker sein noch die Fingerfertigkeit eines Gamers mitbringen: Entscheidend ist nur der Spaß an Musik und am Musizieren – sei es allein oder gemeinsam mit der Familie und mit Freunden. Zur Auswahl stehen über 60 Instrumente, darunter Steeldrums, Bassgitarren, Saxophone und sogar ein bellender Hund. Sie werden gespielt wie man es von der Luft-Gitarre kennt: indem man die zu dem Instrument gehörigen Bewegungen und Handgriffe simuliert. Beim gemeinsamen Improvisieren und Experimentieren mit 50 verschiedenen Stücken kann jeder den Musiker in sich entdecken: Das „Wii Music“-Repertoire umfasst Kompositionen aller Stilrichtungen - von Klassik-Highlights über kultige Popsongs bis zu beliebten Videospiel-Melodien, etwa denen aus „Super Mario Bros.“. | title (ES) | Wii Music | synopsis (ES) | Aunque no hayas tocado una nota en tu vida, Wii Music puede ayudarte a sacar al músico que llevas dentro. ¡Junto hasta otros tres amigos, podrás subir al escenario, para compartir el brillo de las candilejas y crear grandes melodías! | title (IT) | Wii Music | synopsis (IT) | Suona tanti classici senza tempo! Musica classica, popolare e tanto altro ancora! Con wii music potrai eseguire più di 50 brani! Divertiti con tantissimi strumenti! Suona più di 60 strumenti diversi, compresi la chitarra, il pianoforte e addirittura i piatti da dj! Suona con gli amici! Dai vita a fantastiche performance eseguendo i brani insieme ad unmassimo di tre amici! Invia i tuoi video agli amici Collega a internet il wii e manda le tue opere ai tuoi amici! Suona la batteria! Se hai la wii balance board puoi suonare la batteria molto realisticamente! | title (DK) | Wii Music | synopsis (DK) | I Wii Music får du chancen for at spille på over 60 forskellige instrumenter. Fløjte, saxofon, piano, guitar, trompet... you name it, Wii Music got it! Selv den trykfølsomme balanceplade, Wii Balance Board, anvendes i Wii Music som trommepedaler. Til forskel fra de fleste musikspil på markedet i dag behøver du ikke trykke knapper i takt med musikken, men i stedet agere frit som du vil og spille derudaf, så at sige. Alt, du skal gøre, er at bevæge Wii Remote og Nunchuk på diverse måder, mens du trykker på knapperne. Spillet kræver ikke mange timers træning, før du kan have det sjovt med det: Bare sæt i gang og spil på alle de instrumenter, du har lyst til!
| title (KO) | Wii 뮤직 | title (ZHTW) | Wii音樂[平衡板][WiFi](歐) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 《Wii 音樂》是由知名遊戲創作者宮本茂所構思的音樂演奏遊戲,透過 Wii 遙控器與雙節棍控制器的動態感測與按鈕等操作方式來“模擬”真實樂器的演奏動作,只要配合畫面上的節拍即可輕鬆演奏出動聽的樂曲。
遊戲收錄超過 60 種樂器以及 50 首知名古典 / 流行樂曲,玩家可以自由選擇不同的樂器來演奏這些樂曲,最多可 4 人同時演奏,還可以透過保留上次演奏結果加重複演奏的方式組合出最多 6 個聲部的合奏,即使單人也可以獨立完成悠揚動聽的合奏。 不只是在單機上享受演奏樂趣,遊戲同時還提供網路連線分享功能,玩家可以將自己演奏的樂曲儲存成片段,並加上自行設計的封面,透過網路傳送給親朋好友共享,像是演奏生日快樂歌替親朋好友慶生等。玩家還可以把自己的演奏加入親朋好友傳來的片段中,並繼續傳送給更多親朋好友共享,因此不只是單機,還可以透過網路來完成合奏。
遊戲收錄深入淺出的教學模式,並提供結合 Wii 平衡板操作的擊鼓練習,不只是用雙手擊鼓敲鈸,還可以用雙腳踩踏 Wii 平衡板擊鼓,充分模擬真實鼓組的演奏方式。
遊戲中並收錄 3 種音樂演奏小遊戲,包括使用 Wii 遙控器當指揮棒來指揮交響樂團的「交響樂團指揮」、依照樂譜指示使用 Wii 遙控器與雙節棍控制器進行 1~4 人手搖鈴演奏的節奏遊戲「手搖鈴合奏」,以及考驗玩家音感的問答遊戲「音感馬殺雞」等。 | title (ZHCN) | Wii音乐[平衡板][WiFi](欧) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 《Wii 音乐》是由知名游戏创作者宫本茂所构思的音乐演奏游戏,透过 Wii 遥控器与双节棍控制器的动态感测与按钮等操作方式来“仿真”真实乐器的演奏动作,只要配合画面上的节拍即可轻松演奏出动听的乐曲。
游戏收录超过 60 种乐器以及 50 首知名古典 / 流行乐曲,玩家可以自由选择不同的乐器来演奏这些乐曲,最多可 4 人同时演奏,还可以通过保留上次演奏结果加重复演奏的方式组合出最多 6 个声部的合奏,即使单人也可以独立完成悠扬动听的合奏。 不只是在单机上享受演奏乐趣,游戏同时还提供网络联机分享功能,玩家可以将自己演奏的乐曲储存成片段,并加上自行设计的封面, 通过网络传送给亲朋好友共享,像是演奏生日快乐歌替亲朋好友庆生等。玩家还可以把自己的演奏加入亲朋好友传来的片段中,并继续传送给更多亲朋好友共享,因此不只是单机,还可以通过网络来完成合奏。
游戏收录深入浅出的教学模式,并提供结合 Wii 平衡板操作的击鼓练习,不只是用双手击鼓敲钹,还可以用双脚踩踏 Wii 平衡板击鼓,充分仿真真实鼓组的演奏方式。
游戏中并收录 3 种音乐演奏小游戏,包括使用 Wii 遥控器当指挥棒来指挥交响乐团的「交响乐团指挥」、按照乐谱指示使用 Wii 遥控器与双节棍控制器进行 1~4 人手摇铃演奏的节奏游戏「手摇铃合奏」,以及考验玩家音感的问答游戏「音感马杀鸡」等。 |
| Nintendo EAD
| publisher
| Nintendo
| release date
| 2008-11-14
| genre
| music, health, rhythm, coaching
| rating
| 3
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote, mii
| accessories
| nunchuk, balance board
| online players
| 1
| online features
| online players, online connectivity, score sharing, Wii Message Board
| save blocks
| 52 (copy move)
| version | (1) | size | 4699979776 | crc | 64d60dd7 | md5 | f3233c86be1310c277efd512ef791977 | sha1 | 4c1b821c49c402079e4e3509cf572ad3cef8405f |