| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, ES
| title (EN) | Squeeballs Party | synopsis (EN) | Squeeballs are small creatures manufactured on a secret island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Before they can be sold to children as toys around the world, Squeeballs must be fully tested…to the point of destruction. That's where the player comes in. They blow up, slice, smack, punch, bowl, shoot and skim the Squeeballs through 11 main game challenges. | title (ES) | Squeeballs Party | synopsis (ES) | Los Squeeballs son unos pequeñísimos y tiernísimos juguetes fabricados en una isla secreta del Pacífico. Pero antes de llegar a las góndolas deben pasar el control de calidad. Aquí entras tú: tíralos, golpéalos, batéalos, cocíonalos y aplástalos ¡hasta que demuestren que están listos para la acción! | title (KO) | 스퀴볼즈 파티 | title (ZHTW) | 橡皮球聚會(美) | title (ZHCN) | 橡皮球聚会(美) |
| Eiconic Games
| publisher
| Aksys Games
| release date
| 2009-10-13
| genre
| music, party
| rating
| E10+
| content
| cartoon violence
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk
| online players
| 0
| case