| R7PE01
| Wii
| EN, FR, ES
title (EN) | Punch-Out!! |
synopsis (EN) | One of the biggest names in boxing returns after a 15-year hiatus. Grab a Wii Remote controller in one hand and a Nunchuk controller in the other and step back into the ring with a modern update of the classic Punch-Out!! Little Mac is back! Everyone’s favorite underdog from the 1980s joins the best of the original Punch-Out!! cast in a modern re-imagination of the series. Players will find familiar names like Glass Joe, King Hippo and trainer Doc Louis. These boxers come to life again in cel-shaded 3-D, complete with hilarious fighting animations and back stories that capture all the fun and flair of the original Punch-Out!! games. The motion-sensitive controls of the Wii console mean that when players throw punches, Little Mac throws punches as well. Additionally, you can control hooks and jabs by combining motion control with control-stick movement. The motion-sensing Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers turn real-life swings into on-screen punches, so anyone can play. The game can also be played with classic NES-style controls by turning the Wii Remote sideways. |
title (ES) | Punch-Out!! |
synopsis (ES) | Te has estado preparando especialmente para este momento. Tu velocidad ha aumentado, tu movimiento de piernas ha mejorado y esa derecha ahora es demoledora. Tras más de diez años de retiro, ya es hora de que vuelvas al cuadrilátero de Punch-Out!!! ¿Te atreves, campeón? |
title (KO) | 펀치 아웃!! |
title (ZHTW) | 拳王擂台[平衡板](美) |
synopsis (ZHTW) | 本作可讓玩家透過 Wii 遙控器和雙結棍,以及 Wii 的平衡器進行遊戲體感操作, 享受到卓越臨場感動作的一款遊戲。遊戲中的對戰對手都具有強烈個人特色! 訓練模式 用來和下一場的選手進行假想對戰的模式,玩家可隨自己喜好自由研究對手的習慣 以及攻擊模式來想出創新的戰略。 |
title (ZHCN) | 拳王争霸[平衡板](美) |
synopsis (ZHCN) | 本作可让玩家透过 Wii 遥控器和双结棍,以及 Wii 的平衡器进行游戏体感操作, 享受到卓越临场感动作的一款游戏。游戏中的对战对手都具有强烈个人特色! 训练模式 用来和下一场的选手进行假想对战的模式,玩家可随自己喜好自由研究对手的习惯 以及攻击模式来想出创新的战略。 |
| Next Level Games
| Nintendo
release date
| 2009-5-18
| action, sports, boxing
| E10+
| comic mischief, cartoon violence
| 2
req. accessories
| wiimote
| nunchuk, balance board
online players
| 0
save blocks
| 1 (copy move)
version | 1.0 |
size | 4699979776 |
crc | 7168ef78 |
md5 | 3a231e0dfec05ab658657588a0119d3c |
sha1 | c03ac2744a7f572ede7286e7f1f243707c58f163 |
version | 1.1 |
size | 4699979776 |
crc | 16fa746f |
md5 | 6249a068cf79b63b2f0f390b185b6a2e |
sha1 | 65bb4658f15f651b165c6a8ae8e4ccc651390688 |
version | 1.00 |
size | 4699979776 |
crc | c1f5f0e4 |
md5 | 6d0e5884cac674ac50d132cb1f3aa762 |
sha1 | 0232f0c61285e9e810847f504b1c626f6a6d472a |