R86E20 - Dream Dance & Cheer

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ID R86E20
region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Dream Dance & Cheer
synopsis (EN)Grab your pom-poms and get out on the field for this all-new dance and cheerleading game for Wii™. In Dream Dance & Cheer, play as Hanna, a young cheerleader, who dreams of making it in the professional cheering world. Show your best dance moves on your Wii Balance Board™ for the most realistic cheering experience yet, or compete with a friend for ultimate bragging rights. You'll be a PRO in no time in Dream Dance & Cheer!
title (ES)Dream Dance & Cheer
synopsis (ES)¡Toma tus pom-poms y sal al campo a alentar al equipo! Encarna a Hanna, una joven entusiasta que sueña con convertirse en una verdadera animadora profesional. Muestra tus mejores movimientos usando tu mando de Wii, ¡o súbete a la Wii Balance Board y disfruta de una experiencia aún más realista!
title (KO)드림 댄스 & 치어
title (ZHTW)夢幻舞蹈啦啦隊(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)在遊戲中玩家將扮演漢娜,一個年輕的啦啦隊隊長,她夢想著組建世界上最好的啦啦隊。

title (ZHCN)梦之舞蹈啦啦队(美)
developer CyberPlanet Interactive
publisher Zoo Games
release date 2009-10-27
genre music, simulation, dance, rhythm
rating E

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, balance board
online players 0
version (1)


Dream Dance & Cheer Wii cover (R86E20)

Dream Dance & Cheer Wii cover (R86E20)

Dream Dance & Cheer Wii cover (R86E20)
Dream Dance & Cheer Wii disc (R86E20)

Dream Dance & Cheer Wii disc (R86E20)