R8NEA4 - The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice
synopsis (EN)Players take on this true to life baseball hitting game by actively swinging at pitches with their Wii Remote from a pitching machine that spits out various pitches such as sliders, 12-6 curves and fast balls, all simulated from real life pitchers. The Cages Pro-Style Batting Practice is also compatible with Wii Motion Plus giving players an even more realistic experience!
Customize your experience by editing your batters and pitchers to give them real-world physics including left vs. right hand, stance, height, weight and more. A natural learning curve allows players to develop their skills and take on up to four other players for an in-game homerun challenge! Behind all of this fun is a fitness element that tracks your cardiovascular progress by reporting on calories burned while players are obtaining their hitting goals. In addition, the use of the Wii's motion controller helps players develop their hand/eye coordination skills.
title (ES)The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice
synopsis (ES)Levántate del sofá, toma tu bate favorito —también conocido como mando de Wii— y acomódate en la caja de bateo, ¡porque es hora de dar tus mejores golpes! La máquina de entrenamiento usará todos sus trucos para poner tus habilidades a prueba: bolas rápidas, sliders, curvas simples y complejas, ¡y hasta knucleballs!
title (KO)케이지: 프로 스타일 타격 연습
title (ZHTW)擊打革命[MP](美)
synopsis (ZHTW)  《擊打革命》是專門強化棒球擊球樂趣的「模擬擊球遊戲」,遊戲中將收錄日本全12支球隊的共36名實名職業投手,玩家將使用Wii遙控器手柄當作球棒來擊打棒球。另外,本作還支持Wii Motion Plus。遊戲中玩家可以自由設定約20種變化球,並可以體驗擊打時速高達300公里的超速球,其簡單爽快的遊戲內容將為玩家消除一天的疲勞。
title (ZHCN)专业击球练习场[MP](美)
developer Alpha Unit
publisher Konami
release date 2010-7-6
genre sports, baseball
rating E

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, motion plus
online players 0


The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice Wii cover (R8NEA4)

The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice Wii cover (R8NEA4)

The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice Wii disc (R8NEA4)

The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice Wii disc (R8NEA4)