RB4E08 - Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
synopsis (EN)In Resident Evil 4 you'll know a new type of horror, as the classic survival-horror action returns with all-new characters, controls and storylines. We last saw Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil 2 - a rookie cop in Raccoon City, fighting to stay alive. That was six years ago. Since then, government forces have managed to control the zombie threat and Leon has become a Federal agent. When the President's daughter is kidnapped, Leon tracks her to a remote, hidden fortress in Europe - where he'll relive the horror he faced six years before. Players will face never-before-seen enemies that make Nemesis seem like a kitten. You'll be wishing for the usual Resident Evil zombies!
title (ES)Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
synopsis (ES)Leon S. Kennedy es ahora un agente estadounidense embarcado en una misión de alto secreto para rescata a la hija del Presidente, que ha sido secuestrada por una misteriosa organización. Leon tendrá que enfrentarse a horrores inimaginables y deberá descubrir quién, o qué, es el responsable...
title (KO)레지던트 이블 4: Wii 에디션
title (ZHTW)惡靈古堡 4 Wii 加強版(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《惡靈古堡 4》是知名生存冒險遊戲《惡靈古堡》系列作,畫面呈現方式與系統大幅改變,除了全 3D 化之外,並加入更多即時互動要素,提供自由度更高、更為多樣化的遊戲內容,獲得優異的評價。

  《惡靈古堡 4》2005 年初推出 NGC 版,2005 年底推出 PS2 版,2007 年初推出PC 版。本次 CAPCOM 又宣佈將推出 Wii 加強版,承襲 NGC 版的遊戲內容,並收錄 PS2版中由美女探員 愛達?王(Ada Wong)擔任主角的「the another order」新章節,同時配合 Wii 控制器大幅革新遊戲的操控方式。

  Wii 加強版將使用 Wii 遙控器的指標來進行槍枝的瞄準,讓玩家能更精確的瞄準敵人要害進行攻擊,以晃動 Wii 遙控器來裝填子彈或以小刀攻擊近距離的敵人。在 NGC版中許多以動作按鈕來觸發的即時互動操作,在 Wii 版中將改用更多樣化的方式來操作,諸如搖晃 Wii 控制器、按下 A B 鈕等等。
title (ZHCN)生化危机4(美)
developer Capcom Production Studio 4
publisher Capcom
release date 2007-6-19
genre action, adventure, third-person shooter, survival horror
rating M

content blood and gore, intense violence, language

players 1
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
accessories classic controller, gamecube pad
online players 0


Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Wii cover (RB4E08)

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Wii cover (RB4E08)

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Wii disc (RB4E08)

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Wii disc (RB4E08)