RB7E54 - Bully: Scholarship Edition

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Bully: Scholarship Edition
synopsis (EN)You're a mischievous schoolboy at Bullworth Academy, and you stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks, and win or lose the girl. You are15-year-old Jimmy Hopkins, a teenager who's been expelled from every school he's ever attended. After your mother abandoned you at the New England boarding school to go on her fifth honeymoon, you have a whole year at Bullworth ahead of you. You have to work your way up the social ladder of this demented institution of supposed learning, stand up for what you think is right and take on the liars, cheats and snobs who are the most popular members of the student body and faculty. If you can survive the school year and outsmart you rivals, you could rule the school.

Faster frame speed makes the game smoother and more responsive Recreated and updated over 3000 textures and character models by hand Improved full screen effects, including dynamic glow FX, improved depth of field, and heat and fire FX Textures uprezzed by 2x or more on Wii with a wider spectrum of colors and detail More pedestrians and vehicles are able to load at once which improves the visual variety of the game Wii controls provide a more interactive way of playing the missions and classes Mini-games, including classes are easily accessible through the menu system.
title (ES)Bully: Scholarship Edition
synopsis (ES)En la Academia Bullworth tendrás que plantar cara a los abusones, conquistar a las chicas, gastar bromas a los que van de malotes o conseguir que ciertos profesores dejen de tomarte por el pito del sereno. Con más de 30 horas de juego y cientos de minijuegos, ¡la diversión está asegurada!
title (KO)불리: 스칼라쉽 에디션
title (ZHTW)惡霸魯尼 獎學金版(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)本作是PS2版《恶霸鲁尼》的加强移植版。与PS2版一样,玩家在游戏中扮演15岁的小子吉米,主要内容是玩家在新学校内与其他同学和老师发生的一些故事。
title (ZHCN)恶霸鲁尼 学院风云(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)本作是PS2版《恶霸鲁尼》的加强移植版。与PS2版一样,玩家在游戏中扮演15岁的小子吉米,主要内容是玩家在新学校内与其他同学和老师发生的一些故事。
developer Rockstar Vancouver
publisher Rockstar Games
release date 2008-3-4
genre action, adventure
rating T

content animated blood, blood and gore, crude humor, violence, intense violence, language, sexual themes, use of tobacco, use of alcohol

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Bully: Scholarship Edition Wii cover (RB7E54)

Bully: Scholarship Edition Wii cover (RB7E54)

Bully: Scholarship Edition Wii disc (RB7E54)

Bully: Scholarship Edition Wii disc (RB7E54)


Bully: Scholarship Edition Wii cover (RB7E54)

Bully: Scholarship Edition Wii cover (RB7E54)