RBKE69 - Boom Blox

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Boom Blox
synopsis (EN)BOOM BLOX, the first game developed in collaboration between EA and director and producer, Steven Spielberg, is a high-energy game featuring over three hundred levels, a variety of activities, a cast of over thirty wacky characters, and an easy-to-use in-game editor that allows players to express their creativity. BOOM BLOX’s visceral gameplay is perfectly suited for the Wii's interactivity. The action gets going fast and the fun never ends as you throw baseballs, blast lasers, save wacky animal characters, explore cool worlds and more!
title (ES)Boom Blox
synopsis (ES)¡Construye cualquier cosa que se te pase por la imaginación y después destrózala en el desafiante Boom Blox! Con más de 300 niveles y la posibilidad de crear puzles únicos, ¡Boom Blox te da la oportunidad de dar rienda suelta a tu lado más destructivo!
title (KO)붐 블록스
title (ZHTW)轟炸方塊(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《BOOM BLOX》最為適合8至12歲兒童,並能讓整個家庭盡享遊戲樂趣,在遊戲中,玩家將使用各種動作進行「狂轟亂炸」,這將大大提升 Wii遊戲的繽紛樂趣和無限創意。

「《BOOM BLOX》 的設計構想是製作一套充滿互動、幻想色彩,並適合任何年齡的孩子的遊戲。」史蒂芬.史匹柏這樣介紹道。「我希望這款遊戲能給整個家庭帶去歡樂、共享的遊戲體驗。」

在這款充滿活力的遊戲裡,玩家可以用超過 400個不同等級的毀滅手法進行「轟炸」! 孩子和整個家庭都可以通過智力挑戰來清除道路上的阻礙物,無論是單人操作、合作完成還是多人比賽,都充滿了創意與樂趣,並且無需「清理戰場」。
title (ZHCN)轰炸方块(美)
developer EA Casual Entertainment Label
publisher Electronic Arts Inc
release date 2008-5-6
genre action, party, puzzle
rating E

content comic mischief, cartoon violence

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0
online features online connectivity


Boom Blox Wii cover (RBKE69)

Boom Blox Wii cover (RBKE69)

Boom Blox Wii disc (RBKE69)

Boom Blox Wii disc (RBKE69)