RCBE52 - Cabela's Big Game Hunter

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Cabela's Big Game Hunter
synopsis (EN)Take an incredible adventure to the world's marquee hunting locations in pursuit of the most sought-after and exotic big game trophy animals. You will need to put yout hunting skills and techniques to the test to master real-life hunting strategies and bring down legendary big game. Along your journey, you will meet hunting guides who will offer helpful hints, find unlockable hunts for birds and small game, and have surprise encounters with dangerous game. Are you ready for the hunting adventure of a lifetime?
title (ES)Cabela's Big Game Hunter
synopsis (ES)Embárcate en una increíble aventura hacia los lugares de caza más reconocidos del mundo, en los que deberás utilizar todos tus talentos como cazador para obtener el trofeo máximo: las presas más exóticas que hayas visto. ¿Estás preparado para el desafío de tu vida?
title (KO)카벨라의 위대한 게임 사냥꾼
title (ZHTW)坎貝拉獵人(美)
title (ZHCN)坎贝拉猎人(美)
developer Magic Wand Productions
publisher Activision
release date 2007-11-6
genre action, adventure, simulation, hunting
rating T

content blood, violence

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Cabela's Big Game Hunter Wii cover (RCBE52)

Cabela's Big Game Hunter Wii cover (RCBE52)

Cabela's Big Game Hunter Wii disc (RCBE52)

Cabela's Big Game Hunter Wii disc (RCBE52)