| RE4J08
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| JA
| title (EN) | Biohazard | synopsis (EN) | Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil is the original 2002 Resident Evil port for the Nintendo GameCube. In addition to all the content from the original 1996 PlayStation 2 version, it also features the additional rooms, areas, items and creatures that made the GameCube release an instant classic.
Story The Raccoon City Police Department doesn't know what happened to the Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.) Team it sent out to investigate the Arclay Mountain area on the outskirts of the city, where a number of people have recently gone missing. The unit's helicopter seems to have crashed in the woods, and it hasn't received any contact from the squad since. The department decides to dispatch another S.T.A.R.S. unit, the Alpha team, to check things out. But something goes terribly wrong, which is code for "Zombies!"
Gameplay In Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil players on the Wii take control of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine (both recently seen in the smash hit, Resident Evil 5). Your mission is to investigate the ominous mansion at the core of the horrific disaster and uncover the secrets behind a radical, genetic research facility. With unspeakable horrors lurking around every corner, the ultimate test will be to make it out alive. Relive the thrills and terror that defined the genre of Survival Horror and launched a franchise that has sold over 40 million games worldwide.
New Controls and Endings In Resident Evil for the Wii, players now have a wide range of control options, including the Wii Remote and nunchuck in combination, which lets players shake the remote to ready their weapons. In addition, the game features more than 10 different game endings. These unique endings are entirely dependent upon the decisions and actions of the player and provide for maximum replayability. | title (ES) | Biohazard | synopsis (ES) | Vive el inicio de la saga que creó el género de survival horror. El Departamento de Policía de Raccoon City ha enviado a un grupo especial de operaciones a investigar las desapariciones que están sucediendo en una zona montañosa próxima a su ciudad. El equipo no ha vuelto, y ahora es tu turno de entrar en acción... | title (JA) | バイオハザード | synopsis (JA) | 2002年にゲームキューブで発売されたリメイク版バイオがWiiで登場。リメイク版は、初代『バイオハザード』の雰囲気をそのままに、生々しいグラフィック表現や追加モンスターなどで一新。
プレイヤーは、行方不明になったブラヴォーチーム救出のため出動したS.T.A.R.S.アルファチームの隊員"クリス・レッドフィールド"と"ジル・バレンタイン"を操作して、施設の探索を進めることになる。侵入者を阻むトラップや謎の究明、ゾンビや異形のクリーチャーなど、さまざまな恐怖がプレイヤーに迫る! | title (KO) | 바이오하자드 | title (ZHTW) | 惡靈古堡(日或中) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 移植自NGC同名作品的Wii驚悚生存遊戲《惡靈古堡》,承襲NGC版大幅強化的畫面演出,並支援Wii嶄新操作方式。
遊戲支援Wii遙控器與雙節棍控制器,讓玩家能以新鮮的操作感受來遊玩。也支援Wii傳統控制器或NGC控制器,重現當年NGC版的樂趣。 | title (ZHCN) | 生化危机(日或中) |
| Capcom
| publisher
| Capcom
| release date
| 2008-12-25
| genre
| action, shooter, survival horror
| rating
| D
| content
| violence
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| classic controller, gamecube pad
| online players
| 0
| case