REAE69 - Celebrity Sports Showdown

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Celebrity Sports Showdown
synopsis (EN)Celebrity Sports Showdown brings the thrill of your favorite recreational sports activities right into your living room. Compete head-to-head in 12 games with celebrity musicians and athletes to see who's got the goods. With intuitive Wii Remote controls and a variety of multi-player tournaments, this fun-filled competition separates the celebrities from the wannabes!
title (ES)Celebrity Sports Showdown
synopsis (ES)Celebrity Sports Showdown te ofrece toda la emoción de tus deportes favoritos en tu propia casa. Compite cara a cara en 12 divertidos minijuegos junto a celebridades del mundo de la música y el deporte ¡y demuestra quién tiene lo necesario para subirse al podio de los campeones!
title (KO)셀리브리티 스포츠 쇼다운
title (ZHTW)名人體育(美)
title (ZHCN)名人体育(美)
developer EA Canada
publisher Electronic Arts Inc
release date 2008-10-23
genre sports
rating E

content mild cartoon violence

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Celebrity Sports Showdown Wii cover (REAE69)

Celebrity Sports Showdown Wii cover (REAE69)

Celebrity Sports Showdown Wii disc (REAE69)

Celebrity Sports Showdown Wii disc (REAE69)