REXE01 - Excite Truck

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Excite Truck
synopsis (EN)In the grand racing tradition of Excitebike, get ready for a big-air experience like no other! Players rocket their trucks across dynamically changing terrain in this nitrous-injected, high-flying racer for speed junkies. Showing the Wii Remote's versatility, players tilt the controller on its side to turn it into a wireless steering wheel!
title (ES)Excite Truck
synopsis (ES)Prepárate para una experiencia de altos vuelos totalmente única, en la que los jugadores van como cohetes por terrenos que cambian dinámicamente. Sólo tienes que girar el mando de Wii como si fuera un volante para abrirte paso entre tus contrincantes y ejecutar acrobacias que te quitarán el hipo.
title (KO)익사이트 트럭
title (ZHTW)瘋狂卡車(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)作為新開發的遊戲,《瘋狂卡車》加入了任天堂的大家庭。選擇自己喜愛的卡車,開始自己的競速之旅吧!與傳統的賽車遊戲不一樣,Wii 獨特的操作方式使駕駛的過程充滿樂趣,玩家需要充分的展開自己的想像,自由的移動手柄來體會刺激有趣的經歷。在遊戲中,衝上斜坡之後下落的平衡非常關鍵,有些類似於FC上的Excite Bike的操作,如果不能很好的保持下降的重心以保持速度,那麼贏得比賽將會是很困難的事情,而如何控制好這點,就得依靠 Wii的創意手柄來決定了,當卡車重心往前衝去時,需要將手柄往後稍拉;反之則應將手柄往前送出,玩家身體的協調性在遊戲中顯得非常重要。與其他單是依靠死踩油門就能獲勝的競速遊戲有所不同,操作性在《瘋狂卡車》被提升到了新的高度。遊戲素質方面,火暴刺激的音樂,多變的場景,以及細膩的細節處理,都會使喜歡競速遊戲的玩家們欲罷不能的。
title (ZHCN)疯狂卡车(美)
developer Monster Games
publisher Nintendo
release date 2006-11-19
genre racing, truck racing
rating E

content mild violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Excite Truck Wii cover (REXE01)

Excite Truck Wii cover (REXE01)

Excite Truck Wii disc (REXE01)

Excite Truck Wii disc (REXE01)