RG9E54 - Carnival Games: Mini Golf

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Carnival Games: Mini Golf
synopsis (EN)Up to 4 players can hit the links on over 25 larger-than-life, theme park style holes. If you’re ready to journey back to Medieval times, shoot out in the Wild West and walk the plank in Pirate’s Delight - all for the sake of sinking a putt - then welcome to Carnival Games MiniGolf!
title (ES)Carnival Games: Mini Golf
synopsis (ES)Carnival Games: Mini-Golf combina toda la diversión que podemos imaginar dentro de un campo de mini-golf junto a juegos llenos de acción que podremos disfrutar con las posibilidades que sólo el mando de Wii puede ofrecernos.
title (KO)축제 게임들: 미니 골프
title (ZHTW)嘉年華遊戲 迷你高爾夫(美)
title (ZHCN)嘉年华游戏 迷你高尔夫(美)
developer Cat Daddy Games
publisher 2K Play
release date 2008-10-21
genre sports, golf
rating E

content cartoon violence

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Carnival Games: Mini Golf Wii cover (RG9E54)

Carnival Games: Mini Golf Wii cover (RG9E54)

Carnival Games: Mini Golf Wii disc (RG9E54)

Carnival Games: Mini Golf Wii disc (RG9E54)