RGCEXS - MiniCopter: Adventure Flight

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)MiniCopter: Adventure Flight
synopsis (EN)Engage in 42 missions in 7 different environments from a child’s bedroom, hospital, hotel room and more! Use your air cannon and lift suction to discover hidden areas and coins. Hone your flying skills to receive the highest amount of points possible in every stage.

Engage in 42 missions in 7 different environments from a child’s bedroom, hospital, hotel room and more! Use your air cannon and lift suction to discover hidden areas and coins. Hone your flying skills to receive the highest amount of points possible in every stage.
title (ES)MiniCopter: Adventure Flight
synopsis (ES)¡Enciende tu mando de Wii y toma el control de los mejores helicópteros a radio control que jamas hayas visto! Tus habilidades y tu pulso serán puestos al límite en cada competencia, desde pasajes ultra ajustados hasta circuitos repletos de obstáculos. ¡Compite con tus amigos y conviértete en el campeón!
title (KO)미니콥터 Wii 모험 비행
title (ZHTW)遙控直升機Wii 飛行大冒險(美)
title (ZHCN)遥控直升机Wii 飞行大冒险(美)
developer Sonic Powered
publisher Aksys Games
release date 2008-4-8
genre action, simulation, flight simulation
rating E

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, classic controller
online players 0


MiniCopter: Adventure Flight Wii cover (RGCEXS)

MiniCopter: Adventure Flight Wii cover (RGCEXS)

MiniCopter: Adventure Flight Wii disc (RGCEXS)

MiniCopter: Adventure Flight Wii disc (RGCEXS)