RHVE5Z - Crazy Chicken Tales

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Crazy Chicken Tales
synopsis (EN)Prepare for the wildest ride of your life! Join Moorhuhn and his friends on their greatest adventure yet- searching for the Forsaken Castle of lore. Face deadly traps and cunning fiends as you jump, run and ride on the backs of Moorhuhn's friends through colorful landscapes of mysterious woods, rocky mountain ranges, treacherous plains and gloomy dungeons.

* Crazy Chicken's thrilling debut on Wii™
* Play as Moorhuhn, Kroet, Moorfrog, and Rambock
* Singleplayer Campaign Mode & Multiplayer Racing Mode
* More than 12 different opponents to overcome or evad
* Two handy weapons for every occasion
* Challengin piggy-back rides through various territories
* Hilarious Jump 'n Run fun for the whole family
title (ES)Crazy Chicken Tales
synopsis (ES)Únete a Moorhuhn y sus amigos en su gran odisea en busca de la Ciudad Prohibida. Enfréntate a innumerables trampas mortales y astutos enemigos mientras saltas, corres y montas a través de una aventura épica en la que redescubrirás el verdadero valor de la valentía y de la amistad.
title (KO)크레이지 치킨 테일즈
title (ZHTW)瘋狂小雞傳說(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)本作是一款3D動作冒險遊戲。Moorhuhn和他的朋友發現了一張通向神秘城堡和大量財寶的地圖,於是展開了一場別開生面的冒險歷程。Moorhuhn裝備了一把大錘和一把發射南瓜種子的槍,而他的朋友更是擁有各種奇奇怪怪的技能。
title (ZHCN)疯狂小鸡传说(美)
developer Phenomedia
publisher Conspiracy
release date 2010-1-14
genre action, adventure, platformer
rating E10+

content animated blood, cartoon violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Crazy Chicken Tales Wii cover (RHVE5Z)

Crazy Chicken Tales Wii cover (RHVE5Z)

Crazy Chicken Tales Wii disc (RHVE5Z)

Crazy Chicken Tales Wii disc (RHVE5Z)