RJXE5G - Go Play Lumberjacks

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Go Play Lumberjacks
synopsis (EN)Go Play Lumberjacks pits a cast of wacky lumberjacks in four-player competition as they climb, chop, saw and logroll their way to victory! Use your Wii Remote as the all-in-one timber-cutting contest tool. Saw dust will fly from your chainsaw in the Hot Saw; test your balance on the waterlogged Log Roll, ascend towering tree trunks in the Pole Climb and much more!

• Four-player party competition from the great outdoors!
• Five event categories with featuring over 15 individual events:
– Sawing: Solo Cross, Hot Saw & more
– Axe Throwing: First to 1000, Time Limit & more
– Climbing: Pole Climb, Tree Top
– Chopping: Underhand, Springboard & more
– Water Events: Log Roll, Boom Run
• 15 eclectic characters to chose from, each with unique animations and tools:
– Jack, the err, giant lumberjack
– Jill, the chainsaw-toting beauty
– Nozawa, the ninja assassin
– Bart, the peg legged pirate
– Lance, the lumbering medieval knight
– Axl, the 80’s rocker
• Unlock use of your own Mii!
• Wii Balance Board support
• Earn trophies unlockable pieces of gear (saws, axes, and more)
• Up to four live players can play at a time (AI will fill in remaining spots in one, two or three individual player matches)
title (ES)Go Play Lumberjacks
synopsis (ES)Apúntate en esta divertida y alocada competición, ¡en la que troncos y aserrín volarán por igual! Desciende los más peligrosos rápidos montado en tu tronco, sácale filo a tu hacha en la competencia de carpinteros, o utiliza tu mando de Wii como una motosierra en este excéntrico juego para toda la familia.
title (KO)고 플레이 벌목꾼
title (ZHTW)去玩吧 伐木工(美)
title (ZHCN)去玩吧 伐木工(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)Majesco的最新 go play系列遊戲之一。Majesco特意為這個開了一個網站,遊戲將對應wii平衡板。這次將扮演一個伐木工,讓你很過癮的揮舞著電鋸、斧頭等工具對著樹木揮汗雨下(發洩更好聽一點)。遊戲還包括傳統的水裡運木頭,鍛煉你的平衡,而且遊戲支持4個人的競賽。
developer Panic Button
publisher Majesco Sales Inc
release date 2009-6-9
genre action, party
rating E

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
accessories balance board
online players 0


Go Play Lumberjacks Wii cover (RJXE5G)

Go Play Lumberjacks Wii cover (RJXE5G)

Go Play Lumberjacks Wii disc (RJXE5G)

Go Play Lumberjacks Wii disc (RJXE5G)