RL6E69 - NERF N-Strike Elite

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)NERF N-Strike Elite
synopsis (EN)Bundled with the newly designed blue NERF Switch Shot EX-3 blaster and attachable decoder lens that will deliver a blend of covert operation elements with over-the-top blasting missions, NERF: N-Strike Elite features a classic rail shooter style of gameplay and equips players with a cache of fresh features. With the Wii-remote snapped into the NERF Switch Shot EX-3 blaster and the red reveal lens engaged, players will be able to detect enemy weak spots, solve puzzles and decode secret messages as they blast their way to victory.
title (ES)NERF N-Strike Elite
synopsis (ES)¡La emoción de NERF vuele recargada! Gracias al nuevo accesorio NERF para tu mando de Wii, podrás encontrar cientos de mensajes secretos, descubrir los puntos débiles de tus rivales, y mucho más. Prepara tu NERF con cientos de combinaciones posibles, ¡y dale su merecido al ejército de robots enemigos!
title (KO)너프 N-스트라이크 엘리트
title (ZHTW)玩具槍大作戰 精英(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)本作是经典的光枪游戏《玩具枪大作战》的续作,本作中玩家将Wii Remote和游戏专有的红外线瞄准器一同使用就能在游戏中发现敌人的弱点,找到取胜的捷径。此外玩家可以自定义操作角色的颜色,枪械射程,奔跑速度等要素实现多种多样的组合。游戏支持全新的2人合作模式,玩家共有4个角色可以选择,每个角色都有独特的能力。
title (ZHCN)玩具枪大作战 精英(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)本作是经典的光枪游戏《玩具枪大作战》的续作,本作中玩家将Wii Remote和游戏专有的红外线瞄准器一同使用就能在游戏中发现敌人的弱点,找到取胜的捷径。此外玩家可以自定义操作角色的颜色,枪械射程,奔跑速度等要素实现多种多样的组合。游戏支持全新的2人合作模式,玩家共有4个角色可以选择,每个角色都有独特的能力。
developer EA Salt Lake
publisher Electronic Arts Inc.
release date 2009-10-26
genre action, shooter, rail shooter
rating E10+

content fantasy violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


NERF N-Strike Elite Wii cover (RL6E69)

NERF N-Strike Elite Wii cover (RL6E69)

NERF N-Strike Elite Wii disc (RL6E69)

NERF N-Strike Elite Wii disc (RL6E69)