| RLHE52
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | Little League World Series Baseball 2008 | synopsis (EN) | The first officially licensed Little League video game to hit next-generation consoles. Players will bat, pitch and field their way from local sandlot slugger to Little League World Series Champion. Featuring eight U.S. and eight international teams, extraordinarily deep character customization, World Series Mode, and a variety of skill based challenges, Little League World Series offers an exciting, authentic baseball experience. Motion-sensing controls on the Wii make it accessible for Little League players and parents alike, while the DS version gives players the freedom to get on the diamond anywhere. | title (ES) | Little League World Series Baseball 2008 | synopsis (ES) | ¡Por fin un juego dedicado por completo al béisbol juvenil! Podrás controlar y personalizar ocho equipos americanos más ocho internacionales y competir en variados modos de juego que van desde la World Series, el torneo por excelencia de las ligas menores, a los minijuegos repletos de power-ups. | title (KO) | 리틀 리그 월드 시리즈 야구 2008 | title (ZHTW) | 小聯盟世界錦標賽2008(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 這是一款根據少年棒球聯盟賽事所開發的專屬遊戲,遊戲使用了Wii獨特的體感操作方式,擊球、跑位元等動作全部使用Wii的兩隻"雙截棍"操作。遊戲中將出現16支不同的球隊,其中8支隊伍來自美國,其他8支則來自其他國家。玩家可以在國際錦標賽中挑戰世界高手,也可以通過專有模式創建自己的球隊。 | title (ZHCN) | 小联盟世界锦标赛2008(美) |
| NOW Production
| publisher
| Activision Value
| release date
| 2008-8-5
| genre
| sports, baseball, party
| rating
| E
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk
| online players
| 0
| case