RLJEHJ - Line Rider 2: Unbound

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Line Rider 2: Unbound
synopsis (EN)Boy grabs sled. Boy rides sled. A simple concept yields endless fun and the latest Internet Phenomenon is born! In Line Rider the player draws their own landscape with a simple pencil tool creating as many ramps, hills, and jumps as they can imagine. Then they send a virtual sledder careening down the course until he wipes out. The possibilities in Line Rider are only limited by the player's imagination.
title (ES)Line Rider 2: Unbound
synopsis (ES)Versión del popular juego de Internet Line Rider, con el que podrás resolver 40 puzles a lo largo de 8 capítulos y superar diversos retos por el camino. En el modo estilo libre, tendrás absoluta libertad para crear tus propias y alucinantes pistas.
title (KO)라인 라이더 2: 언바운드
title (ZHTW)線條滑雪2(美)
title (ZHCN)线条滑雪2(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)最早由斯洛文尼亚大学一名学生所设计的同名网络Flash小游戏就是本作的雏形,因为其简单的游戏规则、任由玩家创建的游戏内容以及有趣的物理效果,迅速获得了网友的欢迎,大家纷纷上传自己绘制的赛道,致使本作在谷歌的搜索排行一度上升至第七位!
developer inXile entertainment
publisher Genius Products Inc
release date 2008-10-7
genre puzzle
rating E

content comic mischief

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0
version (1)


Line Rider 2: Unbound Wii cover (RLJEHJ)

Line Rider 2: Unbound Wii cover (RLJEHJ)

Line Rider 2: Unbound Wii disc (RLJEHJ)

Line Rider 2: Unbound Wii disc (RLJEHJ)