| RM3E01
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption | synopsis (EN) | If you think you knew what it felt like to be the bounty hunter behind the visor, think again. The Galactic Federation's network computer, Aurora Unit, is suddenly and completely corrupted with something like a virus. The Federation believes Space Pirates may be behind the problem and are soon attacked. Samus and other hunters leap to their defense only to find that the enemy they face is Dark Samus, armed with immense power that no one can withstand.
First-Person Perfect: Players control Samus by moving with the Nunchuk and aiming with the Wii Remote controller, allowing for a level of immersion unlike anything they have ever experienced. It's a quantum leap in first-person control. Wonderful Weapons: Samus employs well-known power-ups like the Grapple Beam and Morph Ball, as well as new surprises, to help her survive. Using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers, players will be able to grasp and pull things by using actual arm movements, as well as execute amazing feats like aiming and blasting in midair or at a full run. Phazon's Powers: The game also incorporates a new system involving Phazon. If you fill Samus' Phazon supply to a certain level, Samus will temporarily go into hyper mode, a state in which she can pull off incredible feats. On the flip side, if she exceeds the maximum Phazon level, she'll perish. Also, for the first time in the Metroid series, Samus' ship will be used in active game play. | title (ES) | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption | synopsis (ES) | En el último capítulo de la trilogía, el mismo universo y la vida de Samus Aran están en juego... Colócate el casco de la famosa cazarrecompensas y sumérgete en una historia trepidante, visitando extraños y apasionantes mundos. Explora, combate y resuelve puzles de una forma completamente nueva e intuitiva. | title (KO) | 메트로이드 프라임 3: 오염 | title (ZHTW) | 密特羅德究極3 墮落(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 銀河戰士 3:墮落》在第一個關卡中,主人公薩姆斯所乘坐的宇宙飛船遭到了襲擊,玩家要操縱薩姆斯前去與艦長會合。據實際進行試玩的編輯描述,Wii 遙控器手柄指針的準確性比之前有所提高,操作起來比使用普通手柄要更自如。追蹤功能比以前更加實用,此外遊戲還增加了許多對應動作感應操作的新玩法。
在第二個關卡中,遊戲的場景由巨大戰艦轉移到了空中浮游都市。整個場景的面積超乎想像的巨大,而且光影效果和物體表面的紋理及特效也比系列前作要出色的多。《銀河戰士Prime 3 墮落》在很多人看來是自《光環》之後最具顛覆性的FPS 遊戲作品。 | title (ZHCN) | 密特罗德究极3 腐蚀(美) |
| Retro Studios
| publisher
| Nintendo
| release date
| 2007-8-28
| genre
| action, adventure, first-person shooter
| rating
| T
| content
| animated blood, violence
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| version | (1) | size | 4699979776 | md5 | 6a6fc8eb6873f80c5d240b0e89f8518c |