RMGC01 - Super Mario Galaxy

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title (EN)Super Mario Galaxy
synopsis (EN)Every hundred years a comet passes over the Mushroom Kingdom and rains down stars and stardust, and as Princess Peach and the citizens of the kingdom are celebrating the centennial event, Bowser and his legions attack by launching asteroids at the Mushroom Kingdom and crystallizing the Toads! Knowing that Bowser is after Princess Peach, Mario runs to save her. Things go awry as Bowser summons a massive spaceship, abducts Peach's entire castle and hits Mario with a massive magical attack. The next thing he knows, he finds himself on a mysterious moon high above the Mushroom Kingdom! Navigate Mario through a bevy of exciting new worlds and the depths of space, with all new enemies, power-ups and attack skills, as he collects the Stars needed to save Princess Peach!
title (ES)Super Mario Galaxy
synopsis (ES)¿Existe algún lugar tan, tan grande que dé cabida a la mayor aventura de Mario de todos los tiempos? ¡Pues el espacio exterior! Super Mario Galaxy es la nueva entrega de la larga serie de juegos de plataformas de Mario, y va a cambiar tu percepción de los videojuegos para siempre.
title (KO)슈퍼 마리오 갤럭시
title (ZHTW)超級瑪利歐銀河(中)
synopsis (ZHTW)《超級瑪利歐銀河》是《瑪利歐》系列首款 Wii 正統續篇新作,針對 Wii 獨特控制方式設計,以「銀河」為主題,瑪利歐將跨越浩瀚的銀河,在形形色色的小星球上冒險。

從本次釋出的畫面中,可見識到廣大銀河舞台中各種稀奇古怪的星球,瑪莉歐的死敵 庫巴 也將會再次登場,另外還會有新的小蜜蜂裝,以及水中冒險關卡等等。遊戲將支援雙人合作過關,其中一人操控瑪利歐,另一人可幫忙收集星塵、防禦或攻擊敵人。
title (ZHCN)自制 超级马里奥银河(简)
synopsis (ZHCN)《超级玛利欧银河》是《玛利欧》系列首款 Wii 正统续篇新作,针对 Wii 独特控制方式设计,以“银河”为主题,玛利欧将跨越浩瀚的银河,在形形色色的小星球上冒险。

从本次释出的画面中,可见识到广大银河舞台中各种稀奇古怪的星球,玛莉欧的死敌 库巴 也将会再次登场,另外还会有新的小蜜蜂装,以及水中冒险关卡等等。游戏将支援双人合作过关,其中一人操控玛利欧,另一人可帮忙收集星尘、防御或攻击敌人。
developer ACG汉化组
publisher Nintendo
release date 2010-10-3
genre action, platformer

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Super Mario Galaxy CUSTOM cover (RMGC01)

Super Mario Galaxy CUSTOM cover (RMGC01)

Super Mario Galaxy CUSTOM disc (RMGC01)