RMQPUG - Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom

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region PAL
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom
synopsis (EN)Enter the mystical world of the ‘Myth Makers’ in their all new adventure!

The evil sinister Rebus has trapped the Myth Makers in the Orbs of Doom; you must complete his mind boggling challenges in order to save them.

This quest will test your skill, tax your mind and your nerve.

Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom provides madcap fun using a tilt control method, designed to fit the gestures and hand motions of the Wii Remote.

• Balance your way through a mixture of twisty bends, narrow ledges and peculiar obstacles.
• 8 magical Myth Makers characters to choose from.
• Over 40 amazing brain busting levels set across 5 lavish environments!
• Try setting new records by racing against the clock and explore the other exciting modes of play.
• Knock the other competitors off the track in the exciting multi-player mode allowing you to play with up to 4 opponents simultaneously.
title (ES)Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom
synopsis (ES)¡Entra al mundo de los Myth Makers en una aventura completamente nueva! El malvado Rebus ha atrapado a los Myth Makers en las esferas Doom y sólo tú puedes salvarlos. Pon a prueba tus habilidades en cientos de intrincados desafíos que deberás resolver haciendo precisos movimientos con tu mando de Wii.
title (KO)미쓰 메이커즈: 운명의 보주
title (ZHTW)神話創造者 命運水晶(歐)
synopsis (ZHTW)來到這魔法製造者的冒險世界,邪惡的壞人正打算要搶走魔法寶石,因此他製造了八個魔法水晶來來禁錮魔法製造者,想說可以就此將其永遠鎖住,可是他們並不這樣受制,利用滾動的方式一直滾,找尋可以釋放自己的方法,進而對抗邪惡勢力,看看最後到底會如何呢?
title (ZHCN)魔法制造者 末日宝石(欧)
developer Data Design Interactive
publisher Data Design
release date 2008-3-14
genre puzzle
rating 3

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom Wii cover (RMQPUG)

Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom Wii cover (RMQPUG)

Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom Wii cover (RMQPUG)

Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom Wii cover (RMQPUG)

Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom Wii disc (RMQPUG)
Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom Wii disc (RMQPUG)


Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom pochette Wii (RMQPUG)

Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom pochette Wii (RMQPUG)


Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom Wii cover (RMQPUG)

Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom Wii cover (RMQPUG)