| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland | synopsis (EN) | Join the Myth Makers in their latest adventure... Trixie in Toyland! The evil Penumbra, leader of the Acrostic Riders has stolen the Myth Makers Orbs and has hidden it from Toyland. Trixie must explore every inch of Toyland and find the stolen orbs and return balance to the Myth realm. But its not going to be easy! Along her way, Trixie must do battle with killer clowns, rampaging robots, and hovering helicopters! | title (ES) | Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland | synopsis (ES) | Únete a los Myth Makers en su última aventura... ¡Trixies in Toyland! El malvado Penumbra, líder de los Acrostic Rides, se ha robado las orbes de los Myth Makers. Ahora Trixie deberá explorar cada centímetro de Toyland para recuperar las preciadas joyas y devolver la paz al reino de Myth. | title (KO) | 미쓰 메이커즈: 토이랜드의 트릭시 | title (ZHTW) | 神話制造者 崔克茜在玩具島(美) | title (ZHCN) | 神话制造者 崔克茜在玩具岛(美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 这是围绕无畏的Trixie在玩具岛独力战胜大魔王Penumbra开展的故事.多注意那些不起眼的角落,你总会有所发现,这些或可推支,或可旋转的物品将有助于你通过過驚險的每個關卡.Trixe最終能否找盜遺失的水晶,戰勝大魔王Penumbra呢?年輕人,你們的征途開始了. |
| Data Design
| publisher
| Conspiracy Entertainment
| release date
| 2008-6-24
| genre
| adventure
| rating
| E
| content
| mild cartoon violence
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| case