ROFE5Z - Offroad Extreme! Special Edition

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Offroad Extreme! Special Edition
synopsis (EN)This is the super-charged turbo driven world of Offroad Extreme where intense, free-roaming, off-road racing takes on a whole new meaning!

With multiplayer support you can compete head-to-head against friends using the wireless Wii Remote? as a steering wheel.
title (ES)Offroad Extreme! Special Edition
synopsis (ES)¡Entra al mundo del offroad como nunca antes lo habías hecho! Offroad Extreme Special Edition te ofrece una experiencia única y emocionante. Elige entre la gran variedad de vehículos disponibles y compite en 32 impresionantes circuitos utilizando tu mando de Wii cual volante, ¡y demuestra tus agallas!
title (KO)오프로드 익스트림! 스페셜 에디션
title (ZHTW)極限越野特別版(美)
title (ZHCN)极限越野特别版(美)
developer Data Design
publisher Conspiracy Entertainment
release date 2007-11-20
genre racing, off-road racing
rating E

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Offroad Extreme! Special Edition Wii cover (ROFE5Z)

Offroad Extreme! Special Edition Wii cover (ROFE5Z)

Offroad Extreme! Special Edition Wii disc (ROFE5Z)

Offroad Extreme! Special Edition Wii disc (ROFE5Z)