RPPE41 - Prince of Persia: Rival Swords

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Prince of Persia: Rival Swords
synopsis (EN)Your homeland is besieged. Your people are enslaved. Now, you must use the Wii controllers to wield an array of ancient weapons and bring peace to your shattered land. You've never played Prince of Persia quite like this.
title (ES)Prince of Persia: Rival Swords
synopsis (ES)Vive una inmersión total en un mundo de grandes aventuras, donde no solo controlarás al príncipe sino también a su letal alter ego, el Dark Prince. Alternando entre estos dos personajes, cada uno de ellos con sus propias habilidades, estarás al control como nunca antes lo habías hecho.
title (KO)페르시아 왕자: 숙명의 검
title (ZHTW)波斯王子 宿敵之劍(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《波斯王子 宿敵之劍》在保留原作經典的戰鬥系統的同時,還將充分運用Wii動作感應手柄的獨特操作方式,實現前所未有的新玩法。本作將增加許多新要素,其中包括增加真實感和臨場感的動作感應手柄操作,玩家除了能運用動作感應做出砍、刺等基本的攻擊動作以外,還可以實現某些特殊技能的體感操作。
title (ZHCN)波斯王子 宿敌之剑(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)《波斯王子 宿敌之剑》在保留原作经典的战斗系统的同时,还将充分运用Wii动作感应手柄的独特操作方式,实现前所未有的新玩法。本作将增加许多新要素,其中包括增加真实感和临场感的动作感应手柄操作,玩家除了能运用动作感应做出砍、刺等基本的攻击动作以外,还可以实现某些特殊技能的体感操作。
developer Ubisoft Montreal
publisher Ubi Soft Entertainment
release date 2007-4-3
genre action
rating T

content blood, violence

players 1
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Prince of Persia: Rival Swords Wii cover (RPPE41)

Prince of Persia: Rival Swords Wii cover (RPPE41)

Prince of Persia: Rival Swords Wii disc (RPPE41)

Prince of Persia: Rival Swords Wii disc (RPPE41)