RQPE52 - Cabela's Trophy Bucks

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Cabela's Trophy Bucks
synopsis (EN)Experience fast paced hunting action in pursuit of record trophy bucks across 24 states and provinces in North America. Gameplay starts at the most critical and exciting parts of each hunting mission where you are immediately presented with a challenge. Paired with incredibly realistic gameplay and North America's most popular deer, waterfowl, upland birds, small game and varmint species, you will be able to hunt for animals and in places that most hunters could only dream of experiencing in a lifetime. Your well honed hunting instinct, keen oberservation and quick decision making will be essential in your quest to become the ultimate North American hunter!
title (ES)Cabela's Trophy Bucks
synopsis (ES)Nueva entrega de la saga de juegos de caza de Activision. En esta ocasión, con un ritmo más dinámico y la inclusión de power-ups como la visión de rayos X. Demuestra tu puntería y tu habilidad para perseguir a las presas en el campo y ve a por los trofeos.
title (KO)카벨라의 트로피 벅스
title (ZHTW)坎貝拉的獵鹿(美)
title (ZHCN)坎贝拉的猎鹿(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)2007年10月在PS2和XBOX360平台上推出一款以猎鹿为主题的新作游戏《Cabela's Trophy Bucks》,現在移植到Wii上~
本 作由ACTIVISION Value负责开发制作并支持网络功能,游戏中玩家可以选择在线或下线游乐,并使用包括散弹鎗、来复枪、猎弓等17种不同武器以及各式各样的交通工具与朋 友来尽情享受打猎的乐趣。

developer Magic Wand Productions
publisher Activision
release date 2008-6-3
genre sports, simulation, hunting
rating T

content blood, violence

players 1
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
accessories zapper
online players 0


Cabela's Trophy Bucks Wii cover (RQPE52)

Cabela's Trophy Bucks Wii cover (RQPE52)

Cabela's Trophy Bucks Wii disc (RQPE52)

Cabela's Trophy Bucks Wii disc (RQPE52)