RRVPNR - Battle Rage: The Robot Wars

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region PAL
type Wii
title (EN)Battle Rage: The Robot Wars
synopsis (EN)Battle Rage is a third person shooter with elements of a beat'em'up game that allows a player to control giant robots. Battles between the robots take place on carefully selected battlegrounds (so called "arenas") and they are short, quick, brutal skirmishes. The player can fight alone (versus one, two or even three opponents) or in a team against a common foe. Every robot has its own weapons (for melee and distance combat), additional weapon types can be collected on the arena. The player can modify a robot's parameters in the single player mode as well as in the multiplayer to fit its possibilities to his/her own fighting style. Also many new, powerful robots will wait for the player to unlock in the story mode. The Tournament has begun.
title (FR)Battle Rage : The Robot Wars
title (ES)Battle Rage: The Robot Wars
synopsis (ES)Lucha contra los robots más poderosos del universo en vertiginosas peleas a lo largo de la galaxia. Modifica tu robot y su armamento de acuerdo a tu estilo de lucha y desbloquea más armas y mejoras en cada arena que visites. Invita a tus amigos a luchar en el desenfrenado modo multijugador. ¡El Torneo ha comenzado!
title (NL)Battle Rage: The Robot Wars
synopsis (NL)Battle Rage: The Robot Wars is een third-person shooter waarbij je de controle krijgt over een gigantische robot. Met deze robot kun je in een arena het gevecht aangaan met tegenstanders. Ook kun je je robot aanpassen door middel van gecollecteerde wapens, die je in de singelplayer of multiplayer kunt verzamelen.

Alle robots hebben andere wapens en zijn dus verschillend in aanval en verdediging. Zo hebben sommige robots lange-afstands wapens terwijl anderen juist wapens bezitten om alles wat zich direct voor hun (metalen) neus plaatsvind aan flarden te schieten. In de verhaal-modus is het mogelijk extra robots vrij te spelen.
title (KO)배틀 레이지: 로봇 대전
title (ZHTW)戰士之怒 機器人戰爭(歐)
synopsis (ZHTW)《戰士之怒》是一款PC平臺的動作射擊遊戲,而Wii版的《戰士之怒:機器人戰爭》則是該作的移植版。遊戲使用了由Data Design公司自行研發的圖形引擎,使得畫面表現具有不輸給PC版的素質。
title (ZHCN)战斗愤怒 机器人战争(欧)
developer Destan Entertainment
publisher Data Design - Destineer Studios
release date 2009-1-1
genre action, fighting, shooter, third-person shooter, beat 'em up
rating 12

content violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Battle Rage: The Robot Wars Wii cover (RRVPNR)

Battle Rage: The Robot Wars Wii cover (RRVPNR)

Battle Rage: The Robot Wars Wii disc (RRVPNR)


Battle Rage : The Robot Wars pochette Wii (RRVPNR)

Battle Rage : The Robot Wars pochette Wii (RRVPNR)